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PC 101415
City of Pleasanton
PC 101415
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neighbors specifically so they can be good neighbors. He added that they are totally <br />open to talking to these neighbors and coming to reasonable solutions on any problems <br />they would have. He noted that they want to be a positive force in this neighborhood, to <br />be looked at as people who care about this neighborhood and are trying to provide a <br />positive service. (2) Those who are not necessarily directly affected by the existence of <br />their daycare, which are the neighbors who are supporting the other neighbors who are <br />their friends or neighbors who have been around for many, many years. He stated that <br />in talking to this group of neighbors, it was pretty clear that the existence of their <br />daycare was not really affecting their life in any negative way during the day, and they <br />were really only signing the appeal and appearing here today to show support for the <br />neighbors who are directly affected. He noted that the Commission may hear some <br />anecdotal evidence about how there may have been impacts of noise, traffic, and <br />parking, but he would just like to say that the staff report really has it right: the noise <br />generated by the daycare is not above the Code limit; additionally, State law indicates <br />that the normal noise that children make must be taken into consideration. <br />Mr. Alioto stated that with respect to parking, the parents do not all come at the same <br />time, so the number of parking spots available are very adequate for the amount of <br />people coming to the home. He added that they park directly right in front of the home <br />or in the driveway, and there are no safety issues with transferring the kids to and from <br />the home as they are not crossing any streets. <br />Regarding traffic, Mr. Alioto stated that there are comments that this is a really high <br />traffic area, particularly during school times, and the daycare will make it worse. He <br />indicated that there is no backup of traffic along Muirwood Drive anywhere near their <br />home, and the only traffic backup is up by the high school for about 35 minutes in the <br />morning, and it moves fairly well. He noted that he takes his children to school every <br />morning, and it takes him only a couple of minutes to navigate through that traffic. He <br />noted that they have asked parents to avoid dropping off their children during those <br />particular times. He added that they have also given them a map of the area showing <br />alternate routes to the home in case they do need to come during those times of traffic. <br />Mr. Alioto concluded by saying that while the neighbors do not want the daycare in their <br />neighborhood, this is clearly something that the State of California has said is not an <br />acceptable reason to deny them the permit. <br />Commissioner Piper stated that she read there was an issue with the garage, possibly <br />due to some flooding, and asked if that is still happening. <br />Mr. Alioto confirmed that the flooding in the house cause the problems with the garage <br />but that the work was completed last Saturday and the problems have been fixed. <br />Commissioner Piper inquired if they are able to park their two cars in the garage at this <br />point. <br />Mr. Alioto said no. He pointed out that the work has just been completed on Saturday <br />but that they are definitely looking to move their things out of the garage soon. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 22 of 35 <br />
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