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Mr. Weinstein replied that staff has not identified any specific economic development <br />zones for the moment. He stated that land uses are dynamic in some respect, buildings <br />change, they go away, or in certain areas, they are intensified over time. He indicated <br />that the intent here is that the framework of this economic development zone could be <br />applied or reproduced somewhere else, probably with a completely different mix of uses <br />and probably a different size and different property owner characteristics. <br />Chair Allen inquired if nitrogen oxide is something one can see in the air and if it <br />impacts visibility in any way, like smog. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that it does contribute to smog and could be visible in high levels. <br />He indicated that it is actually a significant impact for the project on a project level and <br />as a contribution to other sources as well. He noted, however, that even with that <br />significant impact and in terms of levels of pollutants, it would not be something that <br />would be visible in and around Pleasanton. He added that these are levels of nitrogen <br />oxide and also particulate matter that would flow up into the atmosphere and be spread <br />around the region, similar to the recent impact that forest fires counties away have had <br />in Pleasanton; but the actual volumes of pollutants that are expected to be generated by <br />this project are not anywhere near those volumes and would not actually be visible in <br />these quantities. <br />Chair Allen noted that she could not find the nitrogen oxide levels specific to Alternative <br />One. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if that is because the analysis is not done as closely <br />to the other scenarios in the other Alternatives. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that there is not as robust of an analysis of impacts for the <br />Alternatives as there is for the primary project which comprises the bulk of the EIR, but <br />staff can work with the consultant to provide the data and analysis as what was done for <br />air pollution for the various Alternatives, and that is something that could be published <br />as part of the Response to Comments document. <br />Chair Allen stated that the reason she is asking is because it sounded like part of the <br />driver for nitrogen oxide was diesel, and assuming that certain uses drive diesel, and if <br />there were not as much diesel, then maybe there would be significantly less nitrogen <br />oxide issues. She suggested that a hotel would be better for the environment acre for <br />acre than club retail, and that is why this is important to understand as choices about <br />potential uses are made, especially since the air quality is a significant issue. <br />Mr. Beaudin asked Chair Allen if she is looking for the exact numbers or for general <br />statements related to the amount of nitrogen oxide. <br />Chair Allen replied that she is really looking for something to help make a decision <br />about land use options. <br />Commissioner Nagler stated that it is a general reference to the particular uses <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 17 of 19 <br />