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PC 062415
City of Pleasanton
PC 062415
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8/10/2017 4:39:30 PM
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Ms. LaBarge stated that in addition to the traffic that might be coming down from the <br />new Lund Ranch development, there is also the high- density complex that is going in at <br />Bernal Avenue and Stanley Boulevard, which will add much more cut - through traffic on <br />Junipero Street and Independence Drive by people trying to get home through Bernal <br />Avenue and do not want to sit on Sunol Boulevard. She asked how much more traffic is <br />too much for Junipero Street. She pointed out that Option 1 is evidently cheaper for the <br />builder: there is no extra grading; there is nothing that has to happen. She asked if that <br />is the right thing to do for the people living on Junipero Street. She reiterated that it is <br />not right to send all of that traffic down their street. She stated that she is willing to take <br />that compromise and encouraged the Commission to look closely at Option 3. <br />Bill Lincoln stated that he and his wife were attracted to Pleasanton ten years ago by <br />the historic Main Street, the small town feel, and the beautiful hills and open space. He <br />indicated that they actively campaigned for Measure PP a few years later and were <br />thrilled that those hills and ridges would be preserved after thousands of Pleasanton <br />citizens voted for it and overwhelmingly passed it. He stated that now, Lund Ranch II <br />has brought with it issues that have pitted two neighborhoods against each other: entry <br />and exit road options, traffic impact, environmental impact, and previous builder and <br />Councilmember discussions, promises, and giveaways. He stated that these issues <br />can probably be discussed and debated ad infinitum; however, these issues are <br />resolved for all concerned by one thing, and that is Measure PP, which is the law and is <br />the will of the people of Pleasanton. He indicated that Measure PP trumps everything <br />else and must be followed, and any deviation, exception, or amendment to its principles <br />and provisions must only be decided by Pleasanton residents. <br />Mr. Lincoln stated that the Lund Ranch II developer has adhered to Measure PP by <br />reducing the number of homes to be built from 150 to 50 and has planned for Lund <br />Ranch Road to be the entry and exit point. He further stated that the neutral EIR has <br />determined that the Lund Ranch Road access has the least environmental impact and <br />is the environmentally superior alternative for project entry and exit; any option other <br />than Lund Ranch Road compromises the intent of Measure PP, violates the law, and <br />establishes a precedent for other developers to use to circumvent the Initiative that the <br />people passed in 2008. <br />Mr. Lincoln stated that in his mind, the use of Lund Ranch Road for project access is a <br />no- brainer. He told the Commission that its decision and recommendation to the City <br />Council will have far - reaching consequences and will set a precedent for other hillside <br />areas throughout Pleasanton. He noted that it may well be the most important decision <br />that they, as Commissioners, will make. He added that the people have faith that the <br />Commission will do the right thing for all citizens of Pleasanton by sending the Council a <br />unanimous recommendation to use Lund Ranch Road for the developer's project. He <br />asked the audience for a show of hands in support of his comments. <br />Carol Spain stated that her husband, Bill, and she have lived in Ventana hills since 1989 <br />and that she has been a member of the Ventana Hills Steering Committee since its <br />inception in 1991. She noted that the Ventana Hills Steering Committee and Mission <br />Park representatives had sent the Commission a letter, dated June 23, 2015, providing <br />comments relative to the staff report for this meeting. She noted that for more than <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 24, 2015 Page 21 of 54 <br />
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