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PC 062415
City of Pleasanton
PC 062415
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that even Pleasanton does this in another section of hillside ordinances which says: <br />"Streets, buildings, and other man -made structures," the implication being that a street <br />is a type of man -made structure. He stated that staff says that these other communities <br />have separate definitions of road and structure, and, therefore, a road must not be a <br />structure. He stated that the mere fact that there are separate definitions says nothing <br />about what is in those definitions; the words "fruit," "dog," and "strawberry" each have <br />separate definitions in the dictionary, and that does not say whether a dog is a type of <br />fruit or that strawberry is a type of fruit. He indicated that one needs to look at the <br />definitions themselves for the answers. <br />Mr. Melaugh stated that he has reviewed the codes of over 30 other municipalities, and <br />with the exception of San Ramon, not one of them defines road as not a structure, as <br />something outside a structure. He indicated that San Ramon's code says that when <br />code authors want to exclude road from structure, they can do so. He noted that <br />Pleasanton has not done that, but instead has chosen a definition of structure that any <br />reasonable person would agree includes roads. He asked the Commission to act <br />reasonably, act within the boundaries of the law, and approve Option 1. <br />Jim Berson stated that he has had interaction with Greenbriar Homes over the years, <br />and that in these dealings with, its representatives take environmental issues very <br />seriously. He indicated that California residents are very environmentally sensitive, and <br />Option 1 is the more environmentally sensitive scenario. <br />Andy Allbritten stated that he moved to Pleasanton in 1988 and is a member of the <br />Ventana Hills Steering Committee since 1991, noting that the Committee has <br />consistently and tirelessly worked with the City, the Planning Commission, the Council, <br />and developers to try to make sure that the traffic that goes to Ventana Hills and the <br />Mission Hills neighborhood is reasonable. He stated that Pleasanton is a community of <br />character, and commitments that have been made in the community are important. <br />Mr. Allbritten stated that one of the interesting things in the connection of Lund Ranch <br />Road and Sycamore Creek Way is that everybody has to go to Raley's on Sunol <br />Boulevard. He added that a lot of people go to Pleasanton Middle School and Hearst <br />Elementary to drop off their children and then go back home; and they go to the park on <br />Junipero Street to play. He stated that putting more traffic on that route is not a good <br />thing. He indicated that he personally would not like any traffic to go through Ventana <br />Hills, but he thinks staff has done a good job with Option 3 and he could support that. <br />He noted that back when they negotiated with the Bonde Ranch developers, they spent <br />11 hours face to face, and both they and the developers came away with not everything <br />they wanted, but it was a reasonable plan that reasonable people could agree on. He <br />asked the Commissioners to be reasonable in dealing with this project. <br />Phyllis Lee stated that she has lived in Pleasanton since 2002 and that she is very <br />fortunate to be here today in one piece because living right on Sycamore Creek Way by <br />the bend is very dangerous as cars speed down that road. She noted that living in the <br />Bridle Creek community of about 111 homes has fostered a sense of bonding with <br />multiple friends and hopes that the Commission would consider keeping that community <br />intact with the 50 new homes. She asked the Commission to consider the safety issues <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 24, 2015 Page 18 of 54 <br />
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