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City of Pleasanton
PC 061015
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8. MATTERS FOR COMMISSION'S REVIEW /ACTION /INFORMATION <br />a. Future Planning Calendar <br />Hillside Development and Measure PP <br />John Bauer thanked the Commissioners for their public service to this community, <br />noting that it is a commitment that takes a lot of time and sometimes is thankless. <br />Mr. Bauer stated that earlier tonight on the Consent Calendar, the Commission <br />approved an application for a home in the hills south of Vineyard Avenue. He noted that <br />as part of this PUD, there will be many structures in this PUD, including roads and a <br />water tank, which are exempt from Measure PP. He further noted that at last week's <br />City Council meeting, the City Council approved the Final Map for the Chrisman <br />property, which is also on steep hillsides south of Vineyard Avenue, for a 15- parcel <br />development of which 11 are dwelling units and one is for - profit commercial business. <br />He pointed out that City staff had indicated that this property was exempt from <br />Measure PP. <br />Mr. Bauer stated that the reason he is bringing this up is because this Commission will <br />soon be asked to consider a very important project within the community — the rezoning <br />of the Lund Ranch II parcel. He noted that this property has been controversial for the <br />last 25 years, especially since 2008 with the passage of Measure PP. He pointed out <br />that it has divided the community: the residents of the Mission Hills Park area had been <br />opposed to Lund Ranch II, and the residents of Bridle Creek and Sycamore Heights, the <br />latest homes that have been built in the area, are also opposed to development of the <br />Lund Ranch property. <br />Mr. Bauer encouraged the Commissioners to do their homework over the next few <br />weeks and walk the neighborhoods, come to Mission Park, come to the streets, look at <br />the traffic, and walk to the Chrisman property that has extremely steep hillsides. He <br />questioned why that property is able to be developed but yet Lund Ranch may or may <br />not be able to be developed. He indicated that the community is concerned about <br />protecting the hillsides, but asked if the community is looking at implementing <br />Measure PP equally, fairly and without bias. <br />Mr. Bauer stated that he is looking forward to speaking with the Commission before a <br />much larger audience than tonight on a very controversial issue that has divided the <br />community. <br />Items for Future Commission Meetinas <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that tonight's meeting at less than a half -hour would be very <br />different than upcoming meetings. He confirmed that the Lund Ranch II project is <br />coming before the Commission at its next meeting, and there will be some other <br />upcoming items as well, one of which is the amendments to the Pleasanton Municipal <br />Code regarding Design Review for historic structures. He explained that there is a kind <br />of a loophole right now that allows people to make modifications to the first ten feet of a <br />historic building without going through the City's standard Design Review process. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 10, 2015 Page 7 of 8 <br />
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