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Mr. Weinstein continued that the Summerhill Homes Tract item is not going to be that <br />complicated, and the PUD Major Modification for the Continuing Life Communities is <br />also coming up. He advised that there would be a Work Session sometime in July or <br />August on the Irby Ranch project, a major development project in the City that would <br />include both market -rate housing and a residential component for developmentally <br />disabled adults and children. <br />Commissioners' Vacation Schedules <br />Commissioner Ritter asked Mr. Weinstein if he got the Commissioners' notice of which <br />future meetings they would be missing. He noted that he feels bad that he will not be <br />able to attend the June 24th meeting. He indicated that he would send the <br />Commissioners his thoughts and wished them good luck, adding that he is sure they will <br />do a great job. <br />Mr. Weinstein thanked all the Commissioners for responding to staff's email regarding <br />their vacation plans. <br />b. Actions of the City Council <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />c. Actions of the Zoning Administrator <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />d. Matters for Commission's Information <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />Chair Allen adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Adam Weinstein <br />Secretary <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 10, 2015 Page 8 of 8 <br />