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Chair Allen agreed with Commissioner Balch. She noted that the applicant moved the <br />house as far back on the envelope as he could, and if the house is a nice design, the <br />applicant deserves to build it. She pointed out that it is the appropriate size and meets <br />the criteria. She added that she wished there was a win -win, but she does not see how <br />the house could be shifted or rotated and still preserve the backyard and the design, <br />and be built with the same cost that would be expected based on buying a house with <br />that envelope. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that the previous comments are appropriate because <br />there are building envelopes here and everyone knows what those are going in. He <br />noted that they may not know exactly what the style of house is going to look like in that <br />building envelope, but at least they know where it is and how far forward and back they <br />are going to be. He added that it could potentially block some viewscape, but when lots <br />do not have a view easement, there could sometimes be a lot of contention. <br />Commissioner Nagler stated that he is obviously going to vote "no" not because he is <br />opposed to the construction of the house. He noted that it is a terrific house, it is totally <br />appropriate to the neighborhood, the applicant has done a great job of designing it, and <br />there has been a lot of work to try and satisfy the various comments from the neighbors; <br />however, it is possible to rotate the house within the envelope, and that is a compromise <br />and a discussion the Commission has not had. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that rotating within the envelope is something he always <br />looks at, and if the lower right corner of the house were moved forward, the house could <br />basically be rotated but that does not gain a view. He indicated that referring back to <br />the slides, it was the pitch of the roof that was basically straight on Mt. Diablo, and <br />rotating the pitch of the roof forward just a bit will provide a view of Mt. Diablo from the <br />back side, but the front side is going to be even more obtrusive. <br />Commissioner Piper stated that to rotate the house, it would have to be pulled forward <br />to fit within that envelope, and the view would be more obstructive. <br />Commissioner Balch explained that it would basically pivot on the back left corner, <br />instead of how Mr. Monzo had proposed which would basically be pivoting back on the <br />upper right corner, and that does not accomplish what the Monzos want. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: <br />Commissioners Allen, Balch, O'Connor, and Piper <br />NOES: <br />Commissioner Nagler <br />ABSTAIN: <br />None <br />RECUSED: <br />None <br />ABSENT: <br />Commissioner Ritter <br />Resolution No. PC- 2015 -05 approving Case P14 -1186 was entered and adopted as <br />motioned. <br />Chair Allen stated that this was not an easy topic and thanked everyone for working <br />through it. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 25, 2015 Page 13 of 27 <br />