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City of Pleasanton
PC 111214
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Commissioner Balch stated that his neighbor bought a motorcycle and he can hear him <br />when he leaves and when he gets home, but that is only twice a day. He noted that <br />hearing delivery trucks go by is completely different from a sustained playground. <br />Chair O'Connor inquired if it would be an option in a commercial area to limit the hours <br />the playground could be used. He noted that while everybody may be out of the house <br />all day long, there could also be stay -at -home parents and young children. He indicated <br />that delivery trucks come between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., and the use of the <br />playground could be limited to no later than 4:00 p.m. or thereabout. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that the issue with that is that delivery trucks are in a use <br />that allows them hours no matter what, maybe 24 hours, because they were there first. <br />He indicated that the suggestion is to limit the school playground hours based on the <br />delivery truck schedule, but that could change. <br />Chair O'Connor stated that there are a lot of challenges in limiting the hours, especially <br />since the children come in between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., and would want to have <br />some access to outdoor play up until 6:00 p.m. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that he is 50 -50 on this because he wants to support the <br />business, and looking at what it is set up for, it goes back to the zoning. He indicated <br />that he is most concerned about the noise. He noted that there are still a lot of homes <br />along that strip on Junipero Street that understand trucks and cars, but may not <br />understand screaming kids. He stated that he wants to support the staff's <br />recommendation just because of the noise, but he is struggling with it. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that he would have preferred staff to opine further on <br />lessons learned from the existing facility at the Vintage Hills Shopping Center, given that <br />we have one at that shopping center and staff is now changing their opinion, which he <br />believes must be for a reason. He indicated that he would probably be following suit <br />with Commissioner Ritter. <br />Commissioner Allen reiterated that the noise is the biggest issue for her because based <br />on her personal experience, it changed the quality of her life. <br />Chair O'Connor agreed that in terms of safety, the Commission could put things in place <br />such as bollards that would provide more peace of mind. He noted, however, that it is <br />the noise that the Commission is hearing about tonight. He indicated that homes are <br />very close, and the noise would depend on how many children would be out there and <br />what they're playing. <br />Commissioner Piper stated that she understands the objections and also support staff's <br />recommendation; but on the other end of the spectrum, she also supports the need for <br />health and activity and appreciate that concept very much. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, November 12, 2014 Page 29 of 35 <br />
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