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Commissioner Piper asked if any of the Commissioners wish to propose that it be put <br />on the agenda. <br />Chair O'Connor stated that the Commission can ask to bring it up as the Millers have <br />requested in their letter. He noted, however, that the Commission cannot discuss the <br />project at this time because it is not on the agenda. <br />Mr. Dolan indicated that any Commissioner can ask for the support of a majority right <br />now or anytime for the item to be agendized, and then decide if what is being agendized <br />is just a discussion to start or a review of the use permit. He noted that it is a very <br />complicated matter and recommended that it be just a discussion even though it will be <br />more painful to the Millers. <br />Chair O'Connor stated that would be easier for him to do than to agendize a review of <br />the use permit. <br />Commissioner Ritter agreed <br />Chair O'Connor inquired if that discussion would be something more informal or if staff <br />would have to put together a staff report. He further inquired if it would have to be open <br />to the public if it were just a discussion among the Commissions and not an item the <br />Commission would be voting on. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that if the item were agendized, there would have to be a staff report <br />because it has a long and relatively complicated history. He added that it would be <br />open to the public and that the Millers and the Masons would come. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that it would be good to learn more about the matter. He <br />noted that he personally is surprised by the lack of support in that if they wanted it <br />agendized, they would have come tonight. <br />Commissioner Piper commented that she thinks they do not know that. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that most of the Commissioners who have been contacted have asked <br />to speak to him as well, and he has not been able to have all those conversations yet. <br />He suggested that the Commissioners may want to hear staff's information first before <br />they vote on whether or not to agendize it, and he would be happy to do that in short <br />order. He indicated that this has been going on for a while now, before he even came <br />to the City six years ago. <br />Commissioner Piper inquired if this issue has ever come before the Planning <br />Commission. <br />Mr. Dolan said yes, and the Commission directed them to go work it out between them. <br />He reminded the Commission that this cannot be discussed tonight as it is not on the <br />agenda. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 22, 2014 Page 29 of 30 <br />