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important such that it is not an issue if someone is building since there is no view to be <br />impacted, but that is not the case here, and it is important that this be taken into <br />consideration. <br />Commissioner Allen stated that she thinks the Commission needs to continue this as <br />the previous Planning Commission and Council did in the last two cases, in hopes that <br />the neighbors can work something out. She added that she was pleased to hear that <br />there is enough space for an expansion on a single level, and while that may not be <br />ideal for the applicant, it is an alternative that the applicant can consider. She explained <br />that her recommendation is based on two points under Section 18.20.030 of the <br />Pleasanton Municipal Code, Exhibit C of the staff report: (1) Subsection A.4. speaks of <br />preserving views, and this addition does significantly impact the view of a neighbor, <br />which the Commission needs to preserve in whatever solution there is. <br />(2) Subsection A.3. refers to the relationship of this proposal to the adjoining buildings, <br />and the adjoining buildings along Hamilton Way are all single story, ranch style, as <br />opposed to this home which is much larger in scale with two stories. She added that <br />she does not believe the proposed addition meets the acid test of being consistent with <br />that character. She concluded by saying that there is a precedent here right now with <br />the two most recent cases which support her recommendations well and for which the <br />findings made were very similar to the reasons she has stated. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that the Commission's job is to set zoning and not <br />necessarily to keep communities from fighting. He noted that the zoning is set, and if <br />the Commission thinks the zoning is wrong, then it needs to change that zoning, <br />whether it be to allow two stories in neighborhoods or not at all. He also questioned if it <br />is right for a neighbor to grow a tree that blocks someone's view and then tell that <br />neighbor to cut down the tree. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that he is struggling with trying to be the judge and jury of a <br />neighborhood because it sounds like it is a great neighborhood. He indicated that he <br />also drove around there, and his gut feel is that the design looks very good in the <br />neighborhood with the two stories, and he wants to honor the current zoning that allows <br />two stories. He added that rather than denying the project, he would push it back to the <br />applicant and the neighbors to see if they can arrive at some compromise. He noted <br />that the Commission will get a number of these requests coming in, and he would rather <br />change the zoning than have the same issue. He noted that the City is trying to <br />encourage more high- density zoning in Pleasanton in order to get work -force housing. <br />He added that the City ought to also be cognizant of people who want to do additions <br />and add -on's because he would prefer that they did not sell their house and move to <br />Livermore where a bigger footprint is affordable. <br />Commissioner Piper stated that she believes in preserving property rights, and people <br />who own homes should be allowed to do this kind of addition, particularly if it meets the <br />guidelines and is within reason. She indicated that she believes the proposed addition <br />in this case is within reason and certainly sounds like that it is based on the City's <br />documentation with the exception of the view issue. She added that she also thinks that <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 13, 2014 Page 10 of 32 <br />