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City of Pleasanton
PC 052213
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with regard to mass transit in that particular proposed area. He also asked that one of <br />the PUSD Board members or the Trustees from PUSD have a seat at the table as well <br />so PUSD can have a voice and a vote at future Task Force meetings. He noted that the <br />liaison and communication will help address concerns raised by Ms. Testa and some <br />others in the community. He further indicated that he is in favor of leaving the OSC in <br />place, especially considering that it was recently renovated to create the Remillard <br />meeting room. <br />Mr. Sowell stated that comments that more people coming to live in this community is <br />somehow making this area or some neighborhoods around the border there a <br />"scapegoat," or that residents here in town will be taking a hit by letting more people <br />move here, or that traffic or other things will become worse by having this proceed along <br />any kind of development, trouble him. He stated that Pleasanton is a community, and <br />new people who move here will become a part of this community just like those who <br />already live here, regardless of how long they have lived in town or whether they own or <br />rent. He added that all the children go to the schools here, and all have a say in what <br />goes on in the City. He concluded that he would like to keep things inclusionary rather <br />than exclusionary. <br />Shelton Liu stated that when he moved into this new neighborhood in Pleasanton, he <br />never thought that one day Pleasanton was going to be divided, just like Germany. He <br />stated that this is not a question about the rich or the poor, but why people moved to <br />Pleasanton. He indicated that this kind of planning is not the future for this person or a <br />small community, but for the future of the whole City, and based on that, the principle to <br />follow when designing this kind of new community is to be fair and use a uniform <br />housing density standard for the whole City, starting from the West side, to the center, <br />and then to the East side. <br />Mr. Liu expressed concern regarding traffic flow calculation, stating that there are gaps <br />between the Traffic Division's modeling and reality. He indicated that traffic in the City <br />is pretty heavy, and Valley Avenue is an example where the reality will totally change <br />with this new development. <br />Blair Wolfinger stated that he lives in Ironwood Glen and has been following the Task <br />Force since 2010 with the Housing Element, which has always been balanced. He <br />asked that the Commission be balanced as well in its discussions. He indicated his <br />support for the previous speakers, Ms. Liang, Ms. Allen with 25 percent to 35 percent <br />mix, and Ms. Testa regarding schools. He expressed concern that the maps only <br />include an elementary school and does not mention middle school and high school. <br />Connie Cox stated that she does not live in Ironwood but in Valley Trails, and for <br />20 years, she has been dealing with the flood issue in Pleasanton. She indicated that in <br />her neighborhood, a gentleman came up with an idea of getting rid of the Old Bernal <br />Bridge abutments, and they went to the City, and staff said they should have made that <br />a condition of Laguna Oaks when it was built. She noted that through a lot of struggle, <br />they were able to get the City of Pleasanton and the Laguna Oaks developer to split the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 19 of 41 <br />
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