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requesting that staff add a condition suggesting that St. Anton work with ValleyCare to <br />make that back driveway work. He noted that it is a cooperative kind of condition which <br />is not onerous on either party and all subject to staff's approval. <br />Commissioner Pearce inquired if there is a representative from ValleyCare in the <br />audience. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that there are two representatives present. <br />Chair Blank stated that Condition No. 12 seems pretty onerous and inquired if this is <br />something the applicant has agreed to or just something staff is proposing. <br />Ms. Rondash replied that this is a standard condition for residential type of <br />developments. <br />Commissioner Posson asked staff to point out on the site map where the new driveway <br />would be located. <br />Ms. Rondash displayed the site map on the screen and pointed out that it would be <br />located where there is currently a bus stop, which would need to be relocated. <br />Commissioner Posson inquired if it would be on the Stoneridge Drive side of the bus <br />stop. <br />Ms. Rondash said yes. <br />Commissioner Posson noted that he was not at the November Work Session and asked <br />for some background information regarding the issue of the bars on the windows. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that he thinks the Commission thought that bars on the windows <br />leaves an impression that this is not a safe place, and Pleasanton does not really have <br />bars on windows. He explained that in this case, the applicant believes and staff agrees <br />that this is an architectural detail that is consistent with the style and actually adds to the <br />design. He added that driving down West Las Positas Boulevard does not typically <br />make one think of being in an unsafe neighborhood, and staff believes that is really not <br />going to occur to anybody. <br />Commissioner Posson inquired if the bars will be only on certain windows and not on all <br />of them. <br />Mr. Dolan said yes. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Ardie Zahedani, Vice President of St. Anton Partners, stated that he appreciated the <br />opportunity to be before the Commission to present this project. He indicated that <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 8, 2013 Page 5 of 25 <br />