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Commissioner Narum inquired if the Energy Committee will be doing its own set of <br />priority recommendations. <br />Mr. Dolan said yes. He stated that he is almost sure that is correct and that he would let <br />the Commission know if it is not. <br />Commissioner O'Connor requested clarification that the Climate Action Plan will then <br />not need to be picked up or considered by the Commission. <br />Mr. Dolan explained that part of the Climate Action Plan is within Planning's area of <br />responsibility and there are some very specific things that will go through this <br />Commission; anything that requires an ordinance change, which happens to be in the <br />Zoning Ordinance, will clearly do it. He indicated that many of them are already <br />underway. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that the last time the Commission talked about the East <br />Pleasanton Specific Plan, he understood from staff that it was pretty well underway. He <br />asked the Commission if it really wanted to include that, considering that the <br />Commission wants to highlight only one or two items. He questioned if the Commission <br />would be diluting its No. 1 item if it throws an extra item in. <br />Mr. Dolan reminded the Commission that he did mention that the City Manager was <br />very happy with the single recommendation the last time. He added that he believes <br />the Commission's No. 2 and No. 3 items are underway and are going to happen; <br />whether or not they would dilute No. 1, he did not know. He noted, however, that there <br />is only one that is not underway, and the Commission has listed it numerically as No. 1. <br />Vice Chair Pearce stated that she would think the other two are just for emphasis. <br />Commissioner Narum agreed. She indicated that the Commission had good luck and <br />success with one item. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that maybe, as Mr. Dolan has suggested, the <br />Commission could put all the wood behind one arrow and give the Council a No. 1 and <br />then emphasize that the Commission really thinks the other couple of items are <br />important and to continue them. He added that he would hate to throw three things out <br />there and take something that is already well underway. <br />Vice Chair Pearce stated that it was her suggestion to do the two items the Commission <br />is already doing as an indication that the Commission is recommitting itself and believes <br />in that process. <br />Commissioner Narum commented that she did not think a 20- member Task Force just <br />stopping all of a sudden is not going to happen. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 21 of 22 <br />