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Commissioner Narum commented that the revenue from Hacienda would pay for the <br />Bernal bridge. <br />Vice Chair Pearce agreed, adding that it was her understanding that there is no funding <br />for that bridge. <br />Vice Chair Pearce stated that she also really liked the idea proposed by Commissioner <br />Olson of making sure that the East Pleasanton Specific Plan and the Historic <br />Preservation Task Forces be kept on the list to re- emphasize the Commission's <br />commitment to those processes. <br />Commissioners Narum and Olson agreed <br />Commissioner Posson noted that staff provided the details on the Climate Action Plan <br />as well as the tables for the short-term, mid -term, and long -term items. He indicated <br />that he thinks TR1 -11, the Transit System Master Plan, is indicative of some of the <br />major planning items. He noted that the thinking of the Energy and Environment <br />Committee and the feedback it got from the community during the Climate Action Plan <br />was that if the City is to achieve the targets to meet the State mandate, the transit <br />corridors will have to be addressed, which is the main reason why that Transit System <br />Master Plan was placed in there. He added that this is long -term, 201312014, but there <br />are a number of other items in the Climate Action Plan that are planning- oriented as <br />well. He proposed that this be included as one of the priorities. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that the Commission received more documents than he <br />had expected and he did not get the chance to go get through it all. He noted that the <br />there are a lot of details on some of the Climate Action Plan items. He inquired what <br />the timeframe was to get the information back to the Council. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that staff prefers to have it as soon as possible. He noted that the <br />Council's Priorities Workshop is on March 25, 2013, so the Commission could go <br />another meeting if it wanted to. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she is not sure she wants to do that because she <br />thinks the agenda would be pretty full with all these items that have been continued. <br />Vice Chair Pearce noted that the other question is whether the Commission wants Chair <br />Blank to be present for the discussion. She indicated that given Commissioner <br />O'Connor's point, which is well- taken, and the fact that Chair Blank is absent, she can <br />put off the item one more time. She asked if the Commission supports doing that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that Mike Tassano, City Traffic Engineer, also has <br />several pages, which he has not had a chance to review as well. <br />Vice Chair Pearce noted that Mr. Tassano did a great job, putting together a six -page <br />memo under duress. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 20 of 22 <br />