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PC 022713
City of Pleasanton
PC 022713
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Mr. DeBlasi stated that they have had great success with the City of Mountain View, <br />which is a local place. He noted that they were in their newspapers on a bi- monthly <br />basis, and it actually said that they had problems with the new owners and that if they <br />operated it the way that Eric DeBlasi did, they would still be welcoming these people <br />into the community. He further noted the Henry Manayan and the Mayor of Milpitas <br />actually tried to get him into the Great Mall a couple of times, but it did not work out for <br />financial reasons. He stated that he has been doing this for a long time, that he is also <br />a real estate developer from the community and has been here since 1973 so he is very <br />familiar with Contra Costa County and Berkeley. <br />Commissioner Posson noted that Item 7 on page 5 of Exhibit B says that the applicant <br />believes he will be coming back to discuss some proposed uses and that he will need to <br />return to the Planning Commission to modify the Conditional Use Permit for any <br />activities that are part of that approval. <br />Ms. Stern clarified that it is not for uses but that there was discussion about the patio. <br />Mr. DeBlasi explained that after this meeting, they were going to try and find out from <br />Building and Planning what type of timeframe it would take if he puts in a permit for <br />outdoor patio dining. He stated that, especially in California, when the weather's good, <br />they would really want to have a patio and have fire pits, and so forth. He added that <br />they were looking at having a 3,700- square -foot patio that would be taking up <br />approximately 10 parking spaces, for which they would do a parking analysis. <br />Commissioner Posson continued that on page 6 of Exhibit B, the security plan talks <br />about dealing with intoxicated patrons. He inquired how that is done. <br />Mr. DeBlasi said they do it calmly. He explained that they try to use common sense and <br />try to read them. He noted that a good staff is supposed to read the patrons throughout <br />the night, and every staff, from the bartender to the bottle service person, is trained to <br />keep an eye on people to make sure they are not over - pouring. He further noted that <br />the door staff is trained to make sure people who are already intoxicated are not coming <br />in. He added that they deal with these patrons, hopefully prior to their getting <br />intoxicated, and if they are getting intoxicated, they try to slow them down. <br />Mr. DeBlasi stated they have what he calls a Monday morning business, where every <br />Monday they come back and figure out what worked the past week business -wise: <br />whether they were slow or busy, whether there were any problems with people getting <br />DUI's because they were over - pouring, and so forth. <br />Mr. DeBlasi stated that Pleasanton is the first City where they have not proposed to be <br />open until 4:00 a.m. He explained that the last call occurs between 1:00 a.m. and <br />1:30 a.m.; they then let them sober down and calm down, serve them free food, make <br />sure they are happy by the time they go home; and then let them out slowly throughout <br />the evening, put them in their car, and tell them to leave the facility as quick as humanly <br />possible. He noted that this also does not put an impact on the Police Department. He <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 11 of 22 <br />
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