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they try to do is operate as many hours of the day as possible for anything they can that <br />makes sense for the demographic they are going after. <br />Commissioner Posson inquired what would not make sense. <br />Mr. DeBlasi replied that in Pleasanton, what would probably not make sense is to do <br />hip -hop events where they would be pulling in people from more than ten miles away <br />who would maybe prefer to dance to hip -hop and that type of stuff. <br />Commissioner Posson noted that public school programs is mentioned on page 3 of <br />Exhibit B and inquired how those work. <br />Mr. DeBlasi replied that this would be events for young people such as teen dance <br />parties where they team up with a bunch of different people for a star search dance <br />party, open mike, and different contests where they hopefully would do viral social <br />media to get the young people in the community that dance or sing. He indicated that <br />they interact with the schools themselves and try to figure out with them if they need <br />anything, such as jerseys for their softball team. He noted that this actually lessens <br />their marketing budget because they would not have to spend money to market per se. <br />He added that they try to do attractive things with them, including sponsoring <br />cheerleaders for cheerleading competitions; they have worked with Mothers Against <br />Drunken Driving to keep the children off of the street, and with different organizations <br />who try to keep teens safe. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) kind of <br />intrigues him because it would be an alcohol establishment working with Mothers <br />Against Drunk Driving. <br />Mr. DeBlasi explained that part of what they are doing is showing that young people can <br />have a fun environment and dance and that they do not have to have any form of <br />alcohol or drugs to do so. <br />Commissioner Posson inquired if MADD has programs designed around that type of <br />activity. <br />Mr. DeBlasi said no. He indicated that they have reached out to MADD in the past and <br />that MADD has actually come to them, giving them a pat on the back for having nights <br />that are actually safely ran. He stated that they have female security and do not let <br />anyone over 18 years in the club unless they have a High School ID because a lot of <br />times, the place can end up like raves if older people are allowed in, including people <br />over 21 years who are looking to prey on younger males and females. He indicated that <br />they have tried to separate these age groups and that they have been very successful <br />at that. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 10 of 22 <br />