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d. Matters for Commission's Information <br />East Pleasanton Specific Plan Task Force <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that the East Pleasanton Specific Plan Task Force had a <br />good meeting which was well- attended. She indicated that the Task Force heard from a <br />consultant who took the elements regarding East Pleasanton and provided three <br />working models of what East Pleasanton could look like. She noted that the Task Force <br />provided input and picked it apart, and there were unlimited iterations. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that there was a clear direction on the street layout. <br />Commissioner Pearce indicated that the Task Force will be getting two new at -large <br />members and asked Mr. Dolan when that would occur. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that the new members would be appointed at the next City Council <br />meeting on February 19, 2013. <br />Historic Preservation Task Force <br />Commissioner Pearce informed the Commission that the Historic Preservation Task <br />Force held a public workshop two weeks ago, and it was well- attended with about <br />75 people present, which is a good sign. She indicated that Mr. Dolan presented staff's <br />report and surveys were distributed. She added that a significant number of surveys <br />were turned in, and staff will compile the responses for the Task Force's review. <br />Bicycle Pedestrian, and Trails Committee <br />Commissioner Olson stated that at the last meeting, he was appointed the Planning <br />Commissioner Liaison / Vice Chair for the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Committee, <br />which held its first meeting for the year on the last Monday in January. He noted that <br />that week was also his final week of employment and that he totally forgot about the <br />meeting because there was so much going on in his office. He indicated that he <br />apologized to the members of the Committee and assured them that he will be at the <br />next meeting, now that he is retired. <br />Conferences for Planning Commissioners <br />Mr. Dolan stated that staff had sent out information on two training opportunities for <br />Planning Commissioners, and he had heard comments that the Commissioners wished <br />they had heard about them earlier. He informed the Commission that, in staff's <br />defense, Planning's budget was reduced when the economy was down, and the <br />Commission's training budget was non - existent. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2013 Page 19 of 20 <br />