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Ms. Stern replied that it would then not come before the Commission unless there are <br />proposed alterations that would raise it to the level of design review. <br />Commissioner Narum asked staff to address the questions posed by the speakers. <br />Chair Blank stated that based on the maps provided in the staff report, he was a bit <br />surprised that the area down by Stanley Boulevard and Bernal Avenue and that up by <br />Santa Rita Road were chosen. He indicated that he understood that the City preferred <br />the northern area. <br />Ms. Stern replied that in terms of why that area was chosen, staff needed to choose a <br />district that is already established in the zoning code rather than rezone a whole area. <br />She noted that staff looked for a district that was not too far away from services that <br />might be needed by a homeless shelter or homeless persons on a daily basis, as well <br />as areas with vacant sites where potential new structures could be built. She added <br />that places such as Valley Business Park are pretty much built out. <br />Ms. Stern explained that this is something that would happen if people can pull together <br />the funding for it, which would be a pretty difficult task with land prices in Pleasanton. <br />She added that if no one does sell to a perspective shelter, then it will not happen. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that this is a Service Commercial area and inquired if <br />they could occupy an existing industrial- or commercial -type building and do interior <br />improvements to it to house these individuals, without building a residential structure. <br />Ms. Stern replied that they would need to make the kind of improvements that the City <br />requires for such an occupancy. She indicated that they would need to make those life <br />and safety improvements to comply with the standards, such as the Building Code <br />sprinkler system which may apply to them. <br />Chair Blank noted that it could be a significant investment <br />Ms. Stern agreed. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that staff has identified four spots at the corner of Stanley <br />Boulevard and Bernal Avenue and inquired if staff had addresses or if there are existing <br />buildings in those areas. She recalled that at least one of those parcels is vacant and <br />has an approval to have a building on it. <br />Ms. Stern replied that most of the sites are vacant and that the approval for one of the <br />sites has subsequently expired. <br />Commissioner Narum inquired, in addition to these four sites, where and what the sites <br />are up on Old Santa Rita Road at the north end. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 38 of 44 <br />