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never run into any homeless people. He added that he does not see them on the street <br />and does not know why there is a need for it, for one thing. He stated that his main <br />concern is bringing in discrepancies into the neighborhood, which would affect the <br />businesses in the neighborhood, create security issues especially since some possible <br />residents could be from correctional institutions, and negatively impact property values <br />as well. <br />Lori Ferriter, owner of Perfection Auto Glass on California Avenue, stated that her <br />particular business park is extremely packed and street parking is an issue. She <br />inquired how this particular area was chosen instead of maybe Quarry Lane or another <br />area that is less packed. <br />Ryan Tunison, owner of an auto parts service business on Washington Street, stated <br />that she has the same question as Ms. Ferriter regarding how their area got picked for <br />this type of housing. He indicated that he understands the need for homeless shelters <br />and transitional living space and is glad to see that something is being done for people <br />in the country. He asked why their area was picked as opposed to some place like <br />Livermore that has Shepherd's Gate, the nice - looking battered women's shelter within a <br />residential area. He indicated that their neighborhood is not the place for residential <br />housing, which will stick out like a sore thumb. He noted that, as mentioned by <br />Ms. Ferriter, it is busy in that area, and parking is always an issue because the buildings <br />were overbuilt for the amount of available parking. He stated that whoever is going to <br />build there will have to upgrade street lighting, utilities, and things like that, as the area <br />is not safe, especially at night, to have more residential -type traffic. He asked what <br />would happen if none of the owners sell their property to private individuals coming in or <br />if someone who is not in the housing business purchases all that land. He further asked <br />if it would be a burden for the City to pick another area. <br />Chair Blank clarified for the audience that the Commission is just looking at regulations <br />and does not necessarily authorize it to seek development. He added that these would <br />have to come back to the Commission for comments through the public hearing <br />process. <br />Commissioner Narum corrected that it would not, as long as they meet the standards, <br />because this is by right. <br />Chair Blank agreed that it is by right and asked staff if there would not be any public <br />notice. <br />Ms. Stern replied that if it were a new structure and if other development in the area <br />require design review, then there would be noticing; however, the operation of that use <br />cannot be regulated other than by the established standards. <br />Chair Blank inquired what the process would be if it went into an existing structure. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 37 of 44 <br />