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mentions that 130 people lost their homes, which was probably due to the housing crisis <br />and the economic downturn, and there are not any services in the City to support them. <br />In terms of supportive and transitional housing, Ms. Dennis stated that she was so glad <br />that staff brought pictures of the Sojourner House. She suggested a visit to Carmen <br />Avenue in Livermore, which is like an apartment complex across from the library; a very <br />nice living environment for the folks there, some of whom are disabled and some have <br />children, and a nice alternative to living in a car. She stated that in Pleasanton, there <br />are organized services for seniors in terms of great senior housing and a Senior Center <br />that is able to deliver services more easily to people who are housed in an organized <br />environment. <br />Ms. Dennis stated that the people they have the most difficulty with are people who live <br />by themselves who become disoriented and really cannot take care of themselves. She <br />added that even her own children have friends who have become homeless when a <br />parent moved out of town with a boyfriend, and the children would go from house to <br />house. She stated that they sometimes stayed with them, and at other times with <br />others, and she would suggest that they call the County if they ran out of places to stay <br />because there was really no one they could go to or that she could refer them to in their <br />school district, for instance, other than perhaps a counselor who could really help them. <br />Ms. Dennis stated that this is a great opportunity to say there are places now. She <br />added that Pat Belding, founder of Citizens for a Caring Community, is in the audience <br />and is familiar with churches in Livermore who provide warming centers for homeless <br />folks; but it is not as organized and as professional as it could be. She indicated that it <br />is a great opportunity for the City of Pleasanton to do outreach to professional services <br />providers to make sure the City gets organized, well -run facilities for people who have <br />the need in this community. She stated that she strongly supports staff's <br />recommendation. <br />Samantha Burrows, Director of Homeless and Family Support Services at Tri- Valley <br />Haven, stated that she is responsible for overseeing the Sojourner House. She <br />indicated that there is a huge tremendous need for this type of housing within the <br />community. She noted that the Sojourner House is only a 16- person shelter, and it <br />takes a long time for people to secure housing, especially as they come into the <br />program without any sort of income. She indicated that they first have to get the <br />income; then they have to save a little. She added that housing is extremely expensive <br />in the Tri - Valley area and encouraged the Commission to look at getting the supportive <br />housing programs within the community because these people do need to have <br />somewhere to go, and one of the things they do not like to see is have someone leave a <br />shelter and then end up back on the street because they cannot maintain rents at a <br />level that they just cannot afford on a minimum -wage job. <br />Leo Lam stated that he has a business on Nevada Street by Bernal Avenue, right on <br />one of the overlay areas, and is very concerned about bringing this program to this <br />area. He indicated that he has also lived in Pleasanton for about 20 years and has <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 36 of 44 <br />