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homeless shelter with 50 beds would require a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet <br />or roughly a half acre. <br />Ms. Diamond replied that that was correct. She added that it is a kind of an either /or, <br />whichever is the lesser of the two. <br />Ms. Stern clarified that for the 50 beds, 400 square feet would be required for each bed <br />Commissioner Narum inquired if, for example, a building on a 16,000- square -foot lot <br />would be allowed up to 40 beds. <br />Ms. Diamond said yes. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that "facility operators" was mentioned and inquired if these <br />facilities are privately owned. <br />Ms. Diamond replied that they are commonly operated by a non - profit sector although <br />religious institutions sometimes operate homeless facilities. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired how they support themselves. <br />Ms. Diamond replied that the facility receives government funds. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if they were Federal or State funds. <br />Ms. Diamond replied that they are mostly Federal funds. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that Item 5 of the standards state that a proposed <br />shelter should be more than a 300 -foot radius from any other homeless shelter and <br />noted that that is not very far. <br />Commissioner Narum commented that that is actually a lot. <br />Ms. Diamond replied that that is the maximum allowed by law. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if 300 feet is the maximum or the minimum. <br />Ms. Stern replied that the shelter must be more than 300 feet from another shelter. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that it seems like with only 300 feet between shelters, <br />one area could become very concentrated as opposed to spreading them out <br />throughout the City. <br />Ms. Diamond stated that staff received a communication from Citizens for a Caring <br />Community and that its representatives are here tonight to speak to this item. She <br />added that she did take a tour of one of the homeless shelters in Livermore, the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 34 of 44 <br />