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The item was continued to the February 13, 2013 meeting. <br />Chair Blank called for a break at 9:15 p.m. and thereafter resumed the regular meeting <br />at 9:26 p.m. <br />b. P12 -1786. City of Pleasanton <br />Application to amend various chapters of Title 18 of the Pleasanton <br />Municipal Code to comply with California Government Code Sections <br />65583 and 65589.5 and with the 2012 Pleasanton Housing Element <br />pertaining to emergency homeless shelters and supportive and <br />transitional housing. <br />Janice Stern advised that the staff report would be presented by Deborah Diamond, an <br />experienced planner and Planning Consultant who has worked in several Bay Area <br />agencies and on several Housing Elements, and is now working with staff on doing the <br />implementation actions from the Housing Element to keep the City on track for all the <br />items in the Housing Element that the City promised it would get completed within <br />certain timeframes. <br />Ms. Diamond then presented the staff report and described the background and key <br />elements of the proposed Code Amendments. She indicated that staff had received <br />some phone calls and some questions regarding this item, and she clarified that there is <br />no specific proposal to develop a homeless shelter or a transitional or supportive <br />housing in Pleasanton at this time. <br />Commissioner Narum asked what is meant by "standard for the proximity of one shelter <br />to another." <br />Ms. Diamond replied that this means that to address over - concentration of a specific <br />use, a distance limitation could be defined that one facility cannot be located at less <br />than a certain distance from another facility. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if supportive and transitional housing are essentially units <br />that currently exist. <br />Ms. Diamond replied that they could be units that currently exist or they could be <br />proposed as part of a new residential development project. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if any such units that could be developed by the City <br />would count toward its ABAG's housing requirements. <br />Ms. Diamond said yes. <br />With respect to Item 2 of the proposed development standards for homeless shelters in <br />Pleasanton, Commissioner Narum inquired if her understanding is correct that a <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 33 of 44 <br />