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undermines the intent of Item E -1. He indicated that he was adding his support to the <br />importance of Item E -1 and to the importance of rewording and rephrasing Item E -3. <br />Kay Ayala cautioned the Commission to go slowly in making law in order to get this right <br />and easier for future staff, Planning Commissions, City Councils, developers to come <br />and understand the laws clearly. She noted that it is doubly complicated because the <br />City Council Minutes and recommendations that the Commission has before it were <br />from the old City Council, and there is now a new Council of four members who are <br />surely relying heavily on this Planning Commission to study the issues thoroughly. She <br />urged the Commission not to rush but give the Council thought -out recommendations. <br />Ms. Ayala stated that the complication comes with approved PUDs, the ten prior <br />agreements associated with the Lund Ranch II development, and this is one she cannot <br />let go of because she sat on the Council when these PUDs were approved, and she <br />knows that the Council felt that the road structure should go through the PUDs that were <br />approved in Bridle Creek and Sycamore Heights. She noted that she cannot see a <br />group of people from the early 1990's, starting in 1991, who worked with the City <br />Councils and Planning Commissions to make sure laws were put in place so they could, <br />in their minds, approve of development but know that they were secure and Lund Ranch <br />Road would not go through. She indicated that this is one part of the ordinance that she <br />will fight with that community to save the laws that were put in place: Specific Plans, <br />General Plan, and PUDs that these people have fought every step along the way from <br />the 1990's. She noted that they were at the Council meetings and Planning <br />Commission meetings reminding the powers that be that these promises were made. <br />She stated that Pleasanton is a Community of Character, and she is appealing to the <br />Commission not to move too quickly on this until it understands all the implications of <br />PUDs. She added that she has asked staff for a long time to do the work for the <br />approved PUDs and adjacent PUDs to these properties, in the same way that the <br />Ventana Hills Group has taken to time to do its research, but staff has not done this to <br />date. <br />Ms. Ayala stated that another complication is the manufactured slopes. She noted that <br />when she first read about manufactured slopes, she thought it was ridiculous and that <br />they were making this up. She added, however, that after she was taken on a tour of <br />the Lund Ranch II property just this week, she can now see their argument. She agreed <br />with staff that there was a hill and a ridge, and a road was just cut through this ridge. <br />She stated that she did not think it was the intent for anybody to say that that could not <br />be built upon. She recommended that the Commissioners visit the site and understand <br />what they are putting into law because her mind was changed on the manufactured <br />slopes after her tour and that she believes the Council. She added that the <br />complication goes further to the Spotorno property, whose owners also want to develop. <br />She indicated her agreement with Mr. Roberts regarding the slope issue. She stated <br />that she thinks people probably do not understand exactly what a slope map is, and <br />walking the land and looking at slopes is different from seeing it on paper. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 15 of 44 <br />