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Commissioner Blank inquired if the CSRT preferred separate sections. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that they did not get into it in that level of detail; they wanted some <br />order to the massive quantities of conditions they were opposed to, and this was <br />something he had been confronted with before in different cities. He indicated that he <br />thinks the key is to keep the conditions separate and labeled. He added that what staff <br />wanted to be able to do was to instantly provide them with the unique substantive <br />conditions that were created because of something about this project, the real <br />conditions of approval; then there would be the standard conditions which are used over <br />and over that most of the regular applicants understand are coming and would apply; <br />and the third is really something that is not a condition of approval at all but a piece of <br />the Code that they are subject to regardless of whether or not it is put it, but if they are <br />not put in, staff could sometimes be accused of not notifying them of that requirement. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that it is human nature that people would look at the fire <br />conditions and believe they have done all of them, and then when they call staff for <br />inspection and are told they need to install automatic sprinklers, they will say they <br />looked at the conditions and did not see that; and staff will say they're in the very end. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that staff can put the conditions sequentially but that they will still be in <br />the three categories. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he is not objecting to the three categories at all but that <br />they should be grouped together from a subject matter perspective so that all <br />engineering conditions would be together, all building and safety together, all drainage <br />together, all landscaping together, etc. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that he understands that and added that once that is done, staff will <br />likely hear that they just want a simple list of the real conditions, the ones that are <br />unique to the project. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she hears what Commissioner Blank is saying and <br />thinks that it is a matter of taking each set and calling them out for what they are: here <br />is the unique conditions of approval, here is the Code, and here is the standard <br />conditions. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that it just seemed off to him that the conditions would be <br />listed that way. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that staff will give that some thought and report back to the <br />Commission. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if under "Fire," there could be Section A as standard <br />and Section B as unique. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 16 of 19 <br />