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Commissioner Olson stated that when he read the staff report, he assumed that the <br />number 300 came from a collaboration between staff and the PD. He noted that the <br />applicant is requesting for a maximum of 800. He indicated that he has a problem with <br />the applicant's statement that they move fights outside the club because at the point <br />that they are out of the club, they would be in the community. <br />Mr. Mull replied that they would be in the parking lot, which is still on private property <br />and not in the community, and it would still be contained. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if the incident was contained outside on private property. <br />Mr. Mull replied that it was very much so. He indicated that they continued to address <br />the issue until people got into their cars and left. He noted that they find it safer for <br />everyone to get outside of the closed environment, away from those few in the crowd <br />that are causing an altercation. He added that just closing the doors and keep them <br />inside is not a positive thing; it is better to try to disperse the crowd. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired what the average attendance per night has been over the <br />last six to nine months, and if it was close to 800. <br />Mr. Mull replied that he did not think it was quite 800. He indicated that he was not the <br />operator and asked Ms. Wolfes if they knew what the average attendance is. <br />Ms. Wolfes replied that it was anywhere from 415 and up to about 700 or 750. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that there is quite a bit of room between 300 and 800. <br />Mr. Mull said yes and added that they are obviously very willing to work with the police <br />on that. He stated that the number he had thrown out before that he thought sounded <br />reasonable was 550. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she rode with Lt. Knox and was at the club on <br />Saturday night. She indicated that she recognizes the dress code is not part of this <br />discussion, but inquired if the dress code is readily available for anyone going to the <br />club. <br />Mr. Mull replied that it is actually posted on the wall before entering the club and that it is <br />also on the club's website. He noted that there are certain things that are just not <br />allowed such as athletic shoes, sagging pants, athletic jerseys. and things that some <br />have said have some relation to gang activities. <br />Commissioner Narum requested verification that it is posted by the club entrance. <br />Mr. Mull replied that he believed it was and asked Ms. Wolfes. <br />Ms. Wolfes replied that there is a sign. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 8, 2012 Page 11 of 23 <br />