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Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar; Pleasanton, CA and approved by the Alameda County on <br /> and approved by the City Engineer on 2017, and <br /> a. Developer must comply with State NPDES requirements for the Work on the <br /> Property and for work within Public Right of Way and Alameda County Fair <br /> Ground. <br /> b. Prior written approval by the City Engineer, or his or her designee, is required <br /> before any modifications can be made to the Work. <br /> 2. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. <br /> The Work and improvements required by this Agreement to be completed by Developer <br /> shall be completed within one (1) year from the later of: (a) the above-mentioned date of <br /> this Agreement; or (2) the date of recording of the Tract Map. <br /> At the discretion of the City Engineer, City may extend the time for completion of <br /> improvements hereunder, upon good cause being shown by the Developer. <br /> 3. Storm Water Responsibility. Developer shall be responsible for implementing and <br /> maintaining the Erosion Control for the Work as per Pleasanton Municipal Code <br /> Chapter 9.14, State law and as required by the Project QSD (Qualified SWPPP (Storm <br /> Water Pollution Prevention Plan) Developer) and the City Engineer. <br /> 4. Inspection. City shall inspect all of said work through an inspector employed by City <br /> at the cost and expense of Developer, and Developer shall pay City the cost of such <br /> inspection as fixed by Ordinance. The City Engineer has estimated the inspection costs <br /> and Developer shall deposit $38,993.80 with City, which is due upon execution of this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 5. Soils Report. Developer shall provide a preliminary soils report as required by <br /> Government Code §§66490 et. seq. without expense to the City. <br /> 6. Plans. All of said Work shall be done and materials furnished in strict accordance <br /> with the approved plans for said Tract Map filed with the City Engineer, and in <br /> accordance with the standard specifications and details of the City of Pleasanton dated <br /> November 2016. It is further understood that the work and materials shall be under the <br /> supervision of the City Engineer, and performed and installed to his satisfaction. <br /> 7. Security. On signing this Agreement, Developer shall present to the City and <br /> maintain security in the form of a labor and material bond and a performance bond, <br /> each in the amount of 100% of the total estimated cost of work for off-site improvements <br /> as per bond estimate dated April, 2017 and May 2, 2017 which is in the amount of nine <br /> hundred thirty eight thousand dollars ($938,000). If Developer submits a cashier's check <br /> as security, Developer waives all right to any interest that may be earned while such <br /> security is held by the City. <br /> Off-Site Improvement Agreement—PUD-99,Tract 8317,Rose Avenue Estates Page 2 of 6 <br />