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ATTACHMENT 6 <br /> OFFSITE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT <br /> for <br /> SANITARY SEWER AND WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS <br /> IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AND ALAMEDA COUNTY FAIRGROUND <br /> PUD-99, Tract Map 8317, Rose Avenue Estates <br /> This Offsite Improvement Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this <br /> day of 2017, by and between Ponderosa Homes II, Inc., a California <br /> Corporation (the "Developer") and the City of Pleasanton, a general law city ("City"). <br /> RECITALS <br /> WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of real property commonly known as a <br /> portion of 1851 Rose Avenue, Resultant Tract 1 of PLLA P16-1713, Pleasanton, CA, <br /> (the "site"); and <br /> WHEREAS, Developer has a City-approved planned unit development plan <br /> (PUD-99) and vesting tentative map for Tract Map 8317 (the "Tract Map") for the <br /> development of nineteen single family residential homes (the "Project"); and <br /> WHEREAS, all or a portion of the area of the vesting tentative map is presented <br /> as "Tract Map 8317", a copy of said map is on file in the office of the City Engineer; and <br /> WHEREAS, said Tract Map and subdivision of land designates streets, <br /> easements and public ways for the City, and Developer proposes to dedicate this land <br /> set forth in the Tract Map to the City; and <br /> WHEREAS, as a condition precedent to accepting an offer of dedication by <br /> Developer, City requires the improvements of the public ways, installation or extension <br /> of certain City services at Developer's expense and certain protection for the City on <br /> behalf of the public; and <br /> WHEREAS, as mitigation measures and conditions of approval for PUD-99 and <br /> Tract Map 8317, Developer shall also construct on-site public and private <br /> improvements and off-site public improvements. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the faithful performance of the <br /> promises, terms, conditions and covenants set forth herein by Developer, the parties <br /> hereto agree as follows: <br /> 1. Work. Developer will do or cause to be done and performed the following described <br /> work (the "Work"): Improvements pursuant to plans and project estimates entitled: <br /> A. Improvement Plans Off-site sewer & water Improvements, Rose Avenue Estates, <br /> prepared by Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar; Pleasanton, CA; Estimate for Rose Avenue <br /> Estates offsite sewer and water main extension, dated April, 2017, prepared by <br /> Off-Site Improvement Agreement—PUD-99,Tract 8317,Rose Avenue Estates Page 1 of 6 <br />