project. These improvements will be completed under the current project, the Annual
<br /> Street Resurfacing and Preventative Maintenance project.
<br /> Old Vineyard Avenue Trail — Phase 1
<br /> The City received one bid for the Old Vineyard Avenue trail project for $865,530 on April
<br /> 27, 2017. This amount was significantly higher than the Engineer's Estimate of
<br /> $530,000. On May 16, 2017, Council directed staff to reject the bid and re-bid the
<br /> project. Subsequently, staff combined the project with the Annual Resurfacing of
<br /> Various Streets project, CIP No. 15503, with the goal of maintaining the construction
<br /> schedule and obtaining more bids at a competitive price.
<br /> The bid items associated with the Old Vineyard Trail Project with 10% contingency total
<br /> $452,375. Funding for the construction is available in the Old Vineyard Avenue
<br /> Pedestrian Trail — Phase 1 project, CIP No. 13544. The funding source is the Vineyard
<br /> Avenue Specific Plan fees collected from the housing developers within the plan
<br /> boundaries.
<br /> Traffic Calming
<br /> The City Traffic Division has been working with the neighbors along Hansen Drive,
<br /> between Hopyard Road and Valley Avenue, to address traffic concerns as part of the
<br /> Traffic Calming Program. The program outcome concluded that there is a need for
<br /> installation of two traffic speed lumps on Hansen near Black Avenue and Via Peralta.
<br /> The work is included within this project to ensure the quality of the work and reduce the
<br /> cost for the installation of the speed lumps. The bid item associated with the work plus a
<br /> 10% contingency totals $12,045. Funding for the construction is available in the Capital
<br /> Improvement Program, Bi-Annual Traffic Calming Devices Project, CIP No. 16555.
<br /> Budget
<br /> The estimated total expenditure for this project is $6,180,290 including a 10%
<br /> construction contingency ($546,064) and construction services ($155,400). See
<br /> Attachment 1 for a funding and expenditures summary. This project is an annual project
<br /> funded as part of the FY 2015/16, 2016/17, and 2017/18 CIP. Funding for this project
<br /> includes Gas Tax, Measure B/BB, Vehicle Registration Fees, and Streets CIP fund.
<br /> Staff recommends the transfer of $215,000 from the Annual Slurry Sealing project, CIP
<br /> No. 16504; $3,295,000 from the Annual Resurfacing and Reconstruction of Various
<br /> Streets, CIP Nos. 16503 and 17503; $452,375 from the Old Vineyard Avenue Trail
<br /> project, CIP No. 13544; $156,150 from the Castleridge Trail & Parking Improvements &
<br /> Pedestrian Crossing project, CIP No. 17749; and $12,045 from the Bi-Annual Traffic
<br /> Calming Devices project, CIP No. 16555 to complete the funding for this project.
<br /> Bids
<br /> Sealed bids for this project were opened on July 7, 2017. There were three bids
<br /> received, ranging between the low bid amount of $5,477,261.55 to $6,340,194.80. The
<br /> low bid amount is approximately 2% higher than the engineer's estimate of $5,370,000
<br /> (see Attachment 2). Past work performed by Bay Cities Paving and Grading Inc. was
<br /> verified to be satisfactory. Staff recommends award of the construction contract to the
<br /> lowest responsible bidder, Bay Cities Paving and Grading, Inc. for $5,477,261.55.
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