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City Manager Fialho explained this survey was also relative to the Downtown Specific Plan and <br /> there is interest in preserving historic buildings downtown. He felt the question did not discount <br /> the rest of the survey. <br /> Councilmember Brown commented on doing everything the City can to make downtown more <br /> vibrant with new retail and restaurants. <br /> Mayor Thorne no there were no speakers to address Council. <br /> Mayor Thorne stated it seems the community is divided on many issues. <br /> City Manager Fialho stated this was just an information item and there is yet a lot to do on the <br /> Downtown Specific Plan Update. <br /> Councilmember Narum commented on many unknowns and suggested providing voters with <br /> information of what the uses could be on the site if the buildings were to be relocated and <br /> speculated how people could buy-in to relocating. She spoke in support of going to the voters, <br /> next year, with Measure P amendment. <br /> Mayor Thorne stated he was unsure whether it would be cheaper to stay in place. <br /> Councilmember Brown noted residents are looking for long-term improvements in the City and <br /> want a vibrant downtown. She wondered if residents could confuse Measure P with Measure PP <br /> and said most people are willing to pay for something, if they know what they are paying for. <br /> 2. Moved from the Consent Calendar - Approve professional services agreements with Hello <br /> Housing and ECHO Housing for First Time Homebuyer Program Administration Services for July <br /> 2017 through June 2018 <br /> 3. Moved from the Consent Calendar - Adopt a resolution authorizing continued participation in the <br /> Alameda County Home Consortium for HOME Funds and authorizing execution of the necessary <br /> documents to maintain eligibility of the consortium for HOME Program Funds in accordance with <br /> the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 <br /> Assistant City Manager Brian Dolan reported having a conversation with Ms. Hendrickson whose <br /> main point was she did not have a chance to review documents for these items. They are both, <br /> time-sensitive and are continuations of past programs. <br /> Mayor Thome noted there were no speakers wishing to address the Council. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Narum/Olson to waive full reading and adopt Resolution No. 17-956 <br /> approving professional services agreements with Hello Housing and ECHO Housing for First Time <br /> Homebuyer Program Administration Services for July 2017 through June 2018 and to waived full <br /> reading and adopt Resolution No. 17-957 authorizing continued participation in the Alameda <br /> County Home Consortium for HOME Funds and authorizing execution of the necessary <br /> documents to maintain eligibility of the consortium for HOME Program Funds in accordance with <br /> the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Pentin, Mayor Thorne <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 8 June 20,2017 <br />