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Discussion followed regarding the number of legal handicap parking in the downtown area, <br /> building accessibility and implementing parking timing restrictions. <br /> Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Vice Mayor Pentin <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Mayor Thorne <br /> 18. Approve a professional services agreement with FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) for services <br /> involving the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report (subsequent EIR) for Tim <br /> Lewis Communities' proposal of 39 single-family detached homes and related improvements on <br /> the Spotorno Property in the amount not to exceed $252,370 <br /> Director of Community Development, Gerry Beaudin, presented details of the staff report <br /> addressing location, size of the property, surrounding uses, details of the proposed project, <br /> existing conditions and zoning. <br /> In response to Councilmember Olson's question, Mr. Beaudin reported that Urban Growth <br /> boundaries will be part of the analysis. <br /> Councilmember Brown stated the Planning Commission is scheduled to hear policy matters on <br /> April 26th and opined the cart is being placed before the horse. She questioned whether a third <br /> party should be evaluating this issue. <br /> Mr. Beaudin reported the Planning Commission is scheduled to participate in a workshop noting <br /> there are many policy and specific issues that need to be addressed. The intent was to initiate the <br /> conversation and obtain public feedback. The goal is to initiative the technical work. <br /> Councilmember Brown stated this issue has been very controversial and she does not see the <br /> rush to decide. Mr. Beaudin reported there are issues that need to be worked out but there is no <br /> rush. <br /> Nelson Fialho, City Manager reported further discussions will occur on the mapping piece, but the <br /> City is working on the EIR process which will take approximately one year. The matter could be <br /> conditioned in such as a way as to allow for further discussions. <br /> Councilmember Narum commented on the Bicycle Park and Mr. Fialho reported it goes beyond <br /> mapping the ridges and commented on the elimination of the by-pass road. <br /> Vice Mayor Pentin opened the public hearing. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Brown/Narum to move forward with Item No. 5, as staff recommended but <br /> with the caveat that a complete mapping of the South-East Hills be completed prior to public <br /> review of the EIR and that these go before the Planning Commission and City Council, with a full <br /> public review. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Vice Mayor Pentin <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Mayor Thorne <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 8 April 18, 2017 <br />