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8. Proclaimed April 29, 2017 as Arbor Day in the City of Pleasanton so as to be a Tree City USA <br /> designated city <br /> 9. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute on-call general landscape architectural <br /> professional services contracts with Callander Associates Landscape Architecture, Inc., Moore <br /> lacofano Goltsman, Inc., and Royston Hanamoto Alley &Abey for a total aggregate not to exceed <br /> $500,000 between April 30, 2017 and June 30, 2020, with two possible one-year extensions; and <br /> authorized the Director of Engineering to approve tasks request up to $75,000 <br /> 10. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute first amendment to agreement for <br /> completion of Nevada Street improvement work between Frank and Alma M. Auf Der Maur and <br /> Konrad Rickenbach and the City of Pleasanton, and authorized the Director of Engineering to <br /> accept Parcel E in fee for the purpose of the Nevada Street extension <br /> Finance <br /> 11. Accepted the monthly disbursements and investment report for February 2017 <br /> 11a. Waived first reading and adopted Resolution No. 17-923 designating the City Manager as City's <br /> agent for Federal and State Disaster Assistance <br /> Fire <br /> 12. Public Hearing: Waived first reading and adopted Resolution No. 17-924 approving the 2017 <br /> Weed Abatement Program and authorizing the abatement of weeds, dirt, rubbish or refuse upon <br /> or in front of certain described properties within the city <br /> Operations Services <br /> 13. Approved and authorized City Manager to enter into a contract with Alameda County to provide <br /> sewer and water operations and maintnenace services for the Castlewood service area for three <br /> years beginning July 1, 2017 <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Narum/Olson to approve the consent calendar as submitted and as noted <br /> except for Item No. 5 which was pulled. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Vice Mayor Pentin <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Mayor Thorne <br /> MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br /> 14. Public Comment <br /> Gene Finch referenced documents he handed to the City Clerk and expressed concerns <br /> regarding the lack of parking in the downtown area and the need for additional bike racks. He <br /> suggested adding twenty-minute parking in specific areas for pick-ups and deliveries and <br /> increased police monitoring. <br /> Mike Moran stated the City has installed new water meters but expressed concerns that his water <br /> bill is the biggest he has ever had. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 2 of 8 April 18,2017 <br />