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20. Public Hearing: Consider Fiscal Year 2017-2018: <br /> (a) Allocations of Housing and Human Services Grants and Community Grant Program Funds <br /> (b) Annual Action Plan for the use of Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds <br /> Becky Hopkins, Community Services Manager presented details of the staff report including the <br /> review process, FY 2017-18 funding available, applications received for each of the specified <br /> grants, funding requests by applications, funding recommendations for the various grants, funding <br /> highlights and recommendations. <br /> In response to Mayor Thorne's question, Ms. Hopkins reported that staff has contingency plan <br /> should CDBG funding not be available. <br /> Brian Dolan, Assistant City Manager stated staff looked at the Federal budget and that CDBG <br /> funding is still available. <br /> Mayor Thorne questioned whether the current Congress will approve CDBG funding, going <br /> forward. <br /> If funding is not approved in the future, staff will return with alternatives for the City Council to <br /> consider. <br /> In reply to Councilmember Brown's question, Ms. Hopkins reported City Council approved the <br /> allocation of CDBG capital money to access community health and begin the process of <br /> developing a dental clinic, in collaboration with Dublin and Livermore. She provided a status <br /> update on those efforts noting the project will move forward and the funds are still available. The <br /> City continues to work with Dublin, Livermore and the County towards this goal. <br /> Mayor Thorne opened the public hearing. <br /> Kathy Layman, Sunflower Hill, thanked staff and the City for funding their programs. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum's question, Ms. Hopkins reported CDBG funds were not <br /> available for gardening equipment. <br /> Alison DeJung, Edin I & R, addressed the services provided by 2-1-1 and thanked the City for its <br /> support. <br /> Mayor Thorne closed the public hearing. <br /> Mayor Thorne thanked the commissions who contributed to this item and expressed concerns <br /> regarding the future of such funding. <br /> Councilmember Narum commented on the process of identifying priorities. <br /> (c) MOTION: It was m/s by Narum/Brown to waive full reading and adopt Resolution No. 17-935 <br /> approving allocations of Housing and Human Services Grants and Community Grant Program <br /> Funds and approved the Annual Action Plan for the use of Federal Community Development <br /> Block Grant Funds. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 8 May 2,2017 <br />