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Mayor Thorne closed the public hearing. <br /> Vice Mayor Pentin reported he reads every agreement to be entered, noted the property and the <br /> school district go back 45 years and listed possible undesired uses of the property if this project <br /> were not approved. <br /> Councilmember Brown understood residents' concerns, stated she believes the project will serve <br /> to raise property values as well as improve the appearance of the neighborhood, commented on <br /> the need for a public restroom and encouraged the developer and the City to continue working <br /> with the school district relative to the need for more schools in the City. <br /> Councilmember Narum commented on the residents' need for certainty and consistency, stated <br /> support for the project, noted the community benefits of same and acknowledged the need to find <br /> more sites for additional schools. <br /> Councilmember Olson reported the City identified several potential sites the School Board could <br /> consider, referenced an email from a resident with remarks regarding the School Board, including <br /> the Board's need to review their blue book of projects to be prioritized based on its strategic plans <br /> and goals as well as the students. He commented positively on the project. <br /> Mayor Thorne commented on his involvement in the project and addressed the suitability of the <br /> site for a new school, the agreement between the school district and Ponderosa, and the <br /> proposed public restroom. <br /> 19. MOTION: It was m/s by Pentin/Olson to accept staffs recommendations including the proposed <br /> amendment of $70,000. Waive full reading and adopt Resolution No. 17-930 accepting the <br /> Negative Declaration for the application of Ponderosa Homes II, Inc., as filed under Case Nos. <br /> P16-1386, PUD-113, and Tract 8259; waive full reading and adopt Resolution No. 17-931 <br /> adopting a General Plan amendment, as filed under P16-1896, regarding a change in land use <br /> designation for 6900 Valley Trails Drive from Public and Institutional to Medium Density <br /> Residential; introduce and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 2162 approving the application of <br /> Ponderosa Homes II, Inc. for Planned Unit Development to demolish existing religious building <br /> and related improvements and construct 36 single-family homes, private clubhouse with parking <br /> lot, and related site improvements approval, as filed under Case PUD-113 and Rezoning from R- <br /> 1-6,500 (One-Family Residential) to PUD-MDR (Planned Unit Development — Medium Density <br /> Residential) District; introduce and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 2163 approving a <br /> Development Agreement for said development; waive full reading and adopt Resolution No. <br /> 17-932 approving Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the 9-acres into 36 <br /> residential and four common area parcels; waive full reading and adopt Resolution No. 17-933 <br /> approving and Affordable Housing Agreement for said development; and waive full reading and <br /> adopt Resolution No. 17-934 approving a Growth Management Agreement for said <br /> development <br /> Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Vice Mayor Pentin, Mayor Thorne <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> Mayor Thorne called for a recess at 7:58 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:05 p.m., with all <br /> Councilmembers present. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 6 of 8 May 2,2017 <br />