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17. Public Comment <br /> Carmen Rivera-Hendrickson expressed concerns with the City's handling of ADA issues. She <br /> noted the need to install roll-in showers for people with disabilities at St. Anton Apartments and <br /> stated that every disability is different and must be handled differently. She requested the City do <br /> more towards helping the disabled in relation to new construction. <br /> Mayor Thorne reported the issue is not on tonight's agenda, but requested that staff consider the <br /> matter. <br /> Angelina Summers stated that any parking space becomes a legal parking space for anyone <br /> having a disability placard. She reported having trouble printing City Council agendas from the <br /> City's website both from home and the City Library. <br /> Julie Testa spoke regarding the importance of maintaining a balance of housing to schools. She <br /> reported that thousands of housing units are being built without consideration of building new <br /> schools and that existing schools are overcrowded. <br /> Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to address the City Council, Mayor Thorne closed public <br /> comments. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br /> 18. Public Hearing: P16-1386, P17-0155, PUD-113, and Tract 8259 — Consider applications of <br /> Ponderosa Homes on approximately 9-acre parcel located at 6900 Valley Trails Drive for: (1) an <br /> amendment to the General Plan Land Use designation from Public and Institutional to Medium <br /> Density Residential; (2) rezoning from R-1-6,500 (One-Family Residential) to PUD-MDR (Planned <br /> Unit Development — Medium Density Residential) District; (3) PUD development plan to demolish <br /> existing religious building and related improvements and construct 36 single-family homes, private <br /> clubhouse with parking lot, and related site improvements; (4) Development Agreement to vest <br /> entitlements; and (5) Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the 9-acres into 36 <br /> residential and four common area parcels. <br /> Adam Weinstein, Planning Manager, presented details of the staff report, focusing on issues that <br /> have received the most attention. He addressed the project site, existing conditions, property <br /> history, inconsistencies related to zoning and the General Plan, first Ponderosa submittal, current <br /> site plan, conceptual interior streetscape, proposed clubhouse and restroom, continuation of <br /> sidewalk on Valley Trails Drive, Valley Trails Park improvements, General Plan amendment <br /> relative to public and institutional uses, alternatives that could be built without a General Plan <br /> amendment, public interest in developing General Plan-compliant alternatives on the site, <br /> operation/maintenance cost options for the public restroom, clubhouse use parameters, Planning <br /> Commission recommendations, Planning Commission concerns, final points/clarifications, <br /> summary and recommendations. <br /> In response to Vice Mayor Pentin's question regarding use of the clubhouse, Mr. Weinstein <br /> reported specific provisions can be dictated in the Use Agreement and the neighborhood will not <br /> need to create a Home Owners Association (HOA) to enter into the Use Agreement. <br /> Daniel Sodergren, City Attorney, reported the Use Agreement will be developed after the HOA is <br /> formed and the Use Agreement will be between the HOA and the City and will dictate times when <br /> the HOA must make it available to residents of the neighborhood, including maintenance and <br /> City Council Minutes Page 3 of 8 May 2, 2017 <br />