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City of Pleasanton
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5/10/2017 11:26:01 AM
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r <br /> One development has 10 homes,the other 9. Currently both exit their neighborhoods and travel down a slight <br /> downgrade to a traffic light where they can safely and quickly pull out onto Vineyard Avenue. <br /> Total time to drive from the center of the developments:42 seconds. Its easy. Its safe. Sounds totally appropriate. <br /> The New Town Plan: <br /> We were all shocked to see a new road carved down the opposite side of these two developments into an extremely <br /> steep grade (_/+than that of monition)that drops down into a narrow man made canyon...Then...directs the fast <br /> moving vehicle to shoot across the Old Vineyard walking path without stopping-while un-expecting walkers,joggers, <br /> cyclists, children running ahead of parents cross the path into a 6000 lbs car that cannot stop. <br /> gets better. <br /> The plan...then connects/flows onto Rolling Hills Drive at this accelerated pace down a second hill into a neighborhood <br /> with 35 children that live and play in the streets. <br /> Then the cars must turn right down Vineyard Heights Lane,then turn left to Thiessen,then finally to Vineyard Avenue. <br /> Where there is no light. And a location that is hard to pull out onto Vineyard due to a blind bend in road. <br /> Total time to drive from the center of the develops along this path: almost 2 minutes. <br /> Conversations with Matt Gruber and Mike the town Traffic Engineers: <br /> Both very nice and polite. <br /> Our development raised these issues at a town planning meeting 6 weeks ago. We also had Mike and Matt meet 15 <br /> neighbors one early morning with a group of neighbors to describe the plan and the logic. <br /> Question to Mike and Matt: Why would you not have a stop sign at the bottom of this mega steep hill before crossing <br /> the Old Vineyard Walking Trail:Answer: "We can't its too steep. Cars can't stop. Plus people over time will run right <br /> through the stop sign." <br /> Our reply: "You are making our point" "This is dangerous...someone on the trail is going to get hit and die...the steep <br /> grade plus the man made canyon on both sides of the road prevent walkers, bikers, kids from seeing cars flying down <br /> this steep hill until its too late." <br /> Question to Mike and Matt: "Why don't you put some speed bumps?"Answer: "We can't, cars are picking up too much <br /> speed and the would get 'air'when they would hit them. <br /> Our reply: "You are making our point". "This road is too steep, narrow and canyon like, and barrels across a walking <br /> path and into a child filled neighborhood." <br /> They informed us that it goes back to a 1999 and 2014 plans for the walking path. <br /> But neither of these plans had 19 homes sitting on that hill-did not appropriately assess the amount of people in the <br /> area nor the steepness of the road, nor crossing the walking path. <br /> They informed us that eventually they would take out the traffic light on the other side of these two developments. <br /> Mind boggling. Non logical. <br /> We asked: "Let us get this have a shorter route from the center of both developments on the hill to a safe <br /> and controlled traffic light." "Its 42 seconds down a gentle grade." "But your proposal is to take out the shorter route, a <br /> safe light and have all 19 homes come down this steep hill shooting across the walking path, into our neighborhood an <br /> almost 2 min route to a more difficult entry to Vineyard Avenue." <br /> Their answer: "Thats right." "Mike adds, "I calculate 200 cars will enter and exit up and down this hill and your <br /> neighborhood every day." <br /> Our reply: "How is this logical for a plan? How is this safe? How could our town leaders allow such a scenario to occur? <br /> We are going to demand that this to be changed." <br /> Their answer:There are other areas over by the ridge where we have had to do this. <br /> My Reply: "I went and drove those sites. They had no other choice-those areas did not have an already existing choice <br /> with a traffic light. In this case you have a substantially better choice. This has a safety and ease of use option that your <br /> examples that you site do not have. Not an appropriate comparison." <br /> 3 <br />
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