within the 60 dBA Ldn and greater noise level area may actually have acceptable noise levels
<br /> because of the noise reduction buffering effect of other homes, sound walls, berms, etc. located
<br /> between those homes and nearby roadways. As discussed in the Noise Element of the General
<br /> Plan, existing noise levels in residential areas near major thoroughfares (i.e., 1-680) typically
<br /> range from about 60 to 70 dBA Ldn. 3989 Petrified Forest Court (see Image 4), located
<br /> approximately 54 feet from 1-680 sound wall, has a noise level of 65-67 dBA Ldn.
<br /> !ma s a 4: 3989 Petrified Forest Court
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<br /> -ipf _,,i ev.,,,A noise study was not required, or prepared, for the project site as the sound level would be
<br /> lower than the General Plan standards due to intervening buildings, the sound wall and other
<br /> sound barriers (e.g., trees). Furthermore, the sound levels at the project site would have a
<br /> lower noise level than existing properties immediately adjacent to 1-680, and would meet the
<br /> minimum noise thresholds outlined in the General Plan and PMC Noise Ordinance.
<br /> The development of the property will generate added urban noise, such as that associated with
<br /> traffic and landscape maintenance activities. However, noise levels are not expected to change
<br /> substantially from those currently experienced in the area because overall activity levels at the
<br /> site would be modest. Ambient noise levels could decrease for some of the adjacent properties
<br /> due to the shielding of traffic noise by the proposed buildings.
<br /> Short-term construction noise would be generated during construction activities on this site. The
<br /> City normally allows construction to occur from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,
<br /> P16-1386. P17-0155, PUD-113, & TRACT 8259; 6900 Valley Trails Drive Planning Commission
<br /> 24 of 32
<br />