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The project would require a General Plan amendment; however, the proposed use would <br /> generate fewer trips with the General Plan land use change than Public and Institutional uses <br /> (hospitals, public schools, etc.) allowed under the existing land use designation. <br /> The City's Traffic Engineer determined that a TIA is not required as the project does not meet <br /> the general criteria for requiring a TIA; however, recognizing the concerns raised by the <br /> residents within the Valley Trails Neighborhood, the Traffic Engineer has conditioned the project <br /> such that the applicant is responsible for retaining a traffic consultant/firm to assess the need for <br /> traffic calming measures within the Valley Trails Neighborhood. The applicant will also be <br /> responsible for implementing any traffic calming changes deemed appropriate, as determined <br /> by the City's Traffic Engineer. The applicant would be responsible for submitting a bond to the <br /> City's Traffic Division, not to exceed $50,000, for the costs associated with retaining a <br /> consultant/firm to create a traffic calming report and implementing any warranted measures. <br /> Parking <br /> Single-family homes <br /> Single-family homes are required to have two parking spaces per unit, with at least one of the <br /> spaces covered in a garage or carport. Each residence would have a driveway that can <br /> accommodate two vehicles and a two-car garage, which would meet this requirement. There <br /> are also 48 on-street parking spaces dispersed throughout the development (18 on-street <br /> parking spaces would be provided along the project's Valley Trails Drive frontage and 30 would <br /> be provided throughout the new public streets - Streets A-C). The supply of on- and off-street <br /> parking spaces would be sufficient to meet the demand of the proposed residential component <br /> of the development. <br /> Clubhouse <br /> Private clubs and lodge halls require one space for each six seats or one space for each <br /> 60 square feet of floor area usable for seating if seats are not fixed. The proposed clubhouse <br /> has approximately 600 square feet of usable floor area for seating. Therefore, 10 parking <br /> spaces are required and 10 parking spaces are proposed. Staff notes that if "Parcel C" is <br /> incorporated into Lot 11, as previously recommended by staff, the clubhouse lot might be able to <br /> accommodate at least one more parking space. However, such additional land is not required <br /> since the parking provided for the clubhouse would meet PMC requirements. <br /> Noise <br /> The City's General Plan requires new projects to meet acceptable exterior and interior noise <br /> level standards. For single-family residential development, private yard areas excluding front <br /> yards cannot exceed 60 day/night average decibels (dB Ldn) and indoor noise levels cannot <br /> exceed 45 dB Ldn. However, the General Plan indicates that all residential areas may not be <br /> able to meet the outdoor goal due to economic or aesthetic considerations (e.g., the desire to <br /> not have large sound walls fronting major streets). This goal should generally be applied where <br /> outdoor use is a major consideration (e.g., backyards in single-family housing developments <br /> and common recreation areas in multi-family housing projects). In addition, as required by the <br /> California Building Code (CBC), all rooms where windows need to be closed to reach interior <br /> noise goals would need to include mechanical ventilation or an air-conditioning unit. <br /> The closest noise source to the project site is 1-680, located approximately 570 feet to the west <br /> of the project site. Periodically, the City conducts a noise monitoring study to measure noise <br /> level changes in Pleasanton. Individual homes within residential areas that are shown to be <br /> P16-1386, P17-0155, PUD-113, & TRACT 8259; 6900 Valley Trails Drive Planning Commission <br /> 23 of 32 <br />