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Fi•ure 2: Front Elevations <br /> Plan 2XB Plan 3AR Plan 1C <br /> Bungalow Cottage Ranch <br /> •: .r+ <br /> 4 ti r <br /> The five home model types would range in size from 2,451-square-feet to 3,385-square feet. <br /> The Plan 1 and Plan 2 one-story homes would range in height from 20 feet, 9 inches to 23 feet, <br /> 9 inches (measured from finished grade to the top of the ridge). The Plan 1X and Plan 2X two- <br /> story homes would range in height from 25 feet, 3 inches to 27 feet, 10 inches. The Plan 3 two- <br /> story homes would range in height from 27 feet to 29 feet. Using the Pleasanton Municipal <br /> Code (PMC) definition of height (measured vertically from the average elevation of the natural <br /> grade of the ground covered by the home to the mean height between eaves and ridges for a <br /> gable roof), the homes would range in height from 16 feet, 1 inch to 24 feet, 1 inch. The FARs <br /> for the development range from 22.1% (Lot 7) to 40% (Lot 28). All of the building walls will be <br /> setback a minimum of 23 feet from the front property line, a minimum of 5 feet on one side yard, <br /> or 10 feet for a street side yard, and a minimum of 7 feet on the opposite side yard, and a <br /> minimum of 20 feet from the rear yard. Sheet 2 of Exhibit B illustrates the front, side, and rear <br /> yard setbacks with the use of dashed lines. The majority of the homes will have a building-to- <br /> building separation that conforms to the requirements of the R-1-6,500 District (i.e., 20 feet <br /> between two-story structures and 17 feet between one- and two-story structures). However, the <br /> separation between Lots 13 and 14, Lots 16 and 17, lots 25 and 26, Lots 26 and 27, and Lots 34 <br /> and 35 would be less than the minimum requirement (varying from 12 to 19 feet). Front yard <br /> setbacks for the covered front porches would meet the minimum required 12 feet. <br /> In order to allow flexibility in designing a project compatible with the physical features of a <br /> property, no minimum property development standards (e.g., setbacks, height, and FAR) apply <br /> to a PUD District. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to a PUD District with the <br /> development standards shown in Exhibit B. In the future, proposals for home additions and <br /> accessory structures would be subject to the development standards of the R-1-6,500 District. <br /> Parking <br /> Each lot would have a two-car driveway leading to the homes attached two-car garage. <br /> Therefore, the project would include 72 off-street parking spaces, not including driveway <br /> parking. Furthermore, the development would provide 48 on-street parking spaces dispersed <br /> throughout the development (18 on-street parking spaces would be provided along the project's <br /> Valley Trails Drive frontage and 30 spaces would be provided on the new public streets - Streets <br /> A-C). The private clubhouse on Lot 11 would include a gated 10-stall parking lot. <br /> Trees <br /> An arborist report prepared for the project surveyed all trees, measuring 6 inches and greater in <br /> diameter, within and adjacent to the site. A total of 27 trees comprising seven species were <br /> surveyed (please refer to Exhibit G for the tree report). Of the trees surveyed, 14 are on-site, <br /> P16-1386. P17-0155, PUD-113. & TRACT 8259: 6900 Valley Trails Drive Planning Commission <br /> 14of32 <br />