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two are on the shared property line, and the remaining 13 are off-site. Six of the 27 trees <br /> surveyed are considered heritage-sized (as defined by the PMC) and three of those trees are <br /> located off-site. The tree report recommends preserving a total of 13 on- and off-site trees <br /> (10 of which are within Valley Trails Park). The applicant is proposing to remove the 14 on-site <br /> trees, one of which is heritage-sized, due to conflicts with building pad locations and grading <br /> (the tree locations are shown on sheet 5 of Exhibit B for reference). <br /> New sidewalk, curbs, and gutters along the project's frontage on Valley Trails Drive would be <br /> required as part of the project, and the existing City street trees would not survive the <br /> construction that would be necessary in order to make those improvements. Therefore, the <br /> applicant is proposing to remove all 13 off-site City street trees along the project's Valley Trails <br /> Drive frontage. <br /> Tree removal is proposed to be mitigated by replacement trees and with contributions to the <br /> City's Urban Forestry Fund, if warranted. Staff believes that the number of proposed street <br /> trees (125) would mitigate the removal of the on-site (14) and off-site (13) trees. <br /> Open Space and Amenities <br /> The proposed project includes two private landscaped areas, not intended or required for <br /> stormwater treatment, near the cuts-de-sac (labeled "Parcel A" and "Parcel B" on the proposed <br /> site plan) totaling approximately 0.24 acres, which would be maintained by Ponderosa's future <br /> homeowners association. The project would also provide two paved 5-foot-wide <br /> pedestrian/bicycle pathway connections from the ends of the two culs-de-sac to the existing <br /> Valley Trails Park pathway. The applicant is also proposing to dedicate an approximately <br /> 712-square-foot piece of land (labeled as "Parcel C" on the proposed site plan) to the Park. <br /> Ponderosa would install landscaping and irrigation within "Parcel C" with the City taking over <br /> maintenance and irrigation if the Parcel is accepted by the City. Further discussion on this <br /> dedication is in the Analysis section of this report. <br /> Ponderosa is also proposing to install a new tot-lot and perform landscape improvements (i.e., <br /> turf removal and replacement with groundcover at specified locations) in Valley Trails Park. The <br /> landscape replacement is consistent with the Valley Trails Park improvement recommendations <br /> listed in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The location of the proposed improvements <br /> (i.e., tot-lot and landscaping) is shown in Exhibit B.1 (Sheet L6) and the Parks and Recreation <br /> Master Plan recommendations for Valley Trails Park are included as Exhibit I. <br /> Ponderosa is also proposing to construct a freestanding public restroom facility within Valley <br /> Trails Park and dedicate it to the City. Staff notes that if a public restroom is supported by the <br /> City, it will undergo a separate development review process. However, if a restroom facility <br /> within the Park is not supported by the City, Ponderosa would contribute a total of $300,000 for <br /> other Valley Trails Park improvements. The restroom or park improvements (and associated <br /> amendments to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan) would require a recommendation by the <br /> Parks and Recreation Commission with final approval by City Council. <br /> P16-1386, P17-0155, PUD-113, & TRACT 8259; 6900 Valley Trails Drive Planning Commission <br /> 15of32 <br />