<br /> FY 2017-18 Housing and Human Services Grant(HHSG)Funding Allocation(Approved by City Council 6/2/2017)
<br /> Agency Name Project Description
<br /> Funds Total %of COBS COBS CDBG Crry HOME LIHF
<br /> Requested Recomm Req Cap'Reb Pub Svc Admin Gen Fund
<br /> City of Pleasanton Annual Section 108 Loan Payment(Axis Clinic) 020062 $20,062 100% $20,062
<br /> Hope Hospice,Inc Unified Communications Phone System $28,000 $15,000 54% 015,000
<br /> Sunflower Hill Sunflower Hill Gardens-Capital Garden Op Equipmt 020,000 $0 0%
<br /> TH-Valley Haven Tri-Valley Haven Capital Improvements Project $283000 5140,438 50% 5140,438
<br /> $351,062 $175,500 $175,500 SO SO 90 $0 m
<br /> Abode Services HOPE Outreach 050719 $50.000 85% $50,000
<br /> Abode Services TH-Valley Rapid Rehousing Program(Rent Subsides) S75,030 $70,000 93% 570.000
<br /> Tri-Valley Rapid Rehousing Program{Case Mgmll 655,355 $50,000 90% 550.000
<br /> ECHO Housing Housing Counseling Services 040,000 540000 100% $40000
<br /> $229,074 $210,000 $0 $8 $0 $0 $70,000 $140,000
<br /> Axis Community Health Enhancing Health Outcomes w/PaVent Care Messaging 511,000 09.251 84% 09,251
<br /> Pleasanton Unified School District Student Health Services 05,000 55.000 100% 05,000
<br /> Tri-City Health Center East County HIV Early Intervention Services 010,000 $0 0%
<br /> YMCA of the East Bay,Tn-Valley YMCA Behavioral Health Care Services for Families S30,000 $28,000 93% $28,000
<br /> $56,000 142,251 $0 $0 $0 $41251 $0 $0
<br /> Open Heart Kitchen Hot Meal Program and Weekend Bag Lunch Program $20,000 $13,500 68% $13,500
<br /> Open Heart Kitchen Senior Meal Programs 550,000 547,500 95% $40.500 $7,000
<br /> Spectrum Conmualy Services Meals an Wheels to Pleasamon's Homebound Elderly 012,000 08,000 08.000
<br /> Tr-Valley Haven TV-Valley Haven's Food Pantry 525,000 $18.500 74% $18,500
<br /> $107,000 $87,500 $0 $40,500 $0 $47,000 $0 $0
<br /> Tr-Valley Haven Shiloh Domestic Vidence Shelter and Services 635,000 $16.000 46% $16,000
<br /> Tn-Valley Haven Sojourner House Homeless Sheller Program 680,000 $30,000 38% 530,000
<br /> $115,000 $46,000 $0 SO $0 $46,000 $0 SO
<br /> CALICO Center Pleasanton Child Abuse Intervention Program 511,000 57,000 64% $7,000
<br /> Legal Assistance for Seniors Legal Assistance for Seniors 512,000 59,000 75% 59,000
<br /> Tn-Val:ey Haven Counseling and Temporary Restraining Order Clinic 020,000 $11,000 55% $11000
<br /> $49000 $27,000 $0 $5 $0 $27,000 $0 $0
<br /> Easter Seals Bay Area Easter Seals Kaleidoscope 515,000 $10,000 67% $10,000
<br /> Sandra J Wing Heeling Therapies Foundatio Healing Therapies for Cancer Patients in Pleasanton 5150,00 $0 0%
<br /> Sunfeenr Hill Sunflower Hill Garden-Curriculum Dev and Teaching 520,230 55.000 25% 55,000
<br /> $50,230 $15,000 $0 $3 $5 $15,000 $0 $0
<br /> Cnabot-LP ITV One Stop Career Cnr Pleasanton VITA 17-18 $7,430 $0 0%
<br /> Cnabot-LP/TV One Stop Career Ctr Pleasanton Jobs Initiative 2017-2018 518,211 $7,000 38% $7,000
<br /> CitySeve of the TnValley CttyServe of the Tri-Valley S15,000 $10,000 07% $10,000
<br /> Eden 1ER,Inc. 2-1-1 Alameda County 025,000 $0 0%
<br /> Hope Hospice,Inc Gnef Support Center $7,500 55.000 67% $5,000
<br /> Hope Hospice,Inc The Volunteer Program 87.500 $0 0%
<br /> Pleasanton Unified School District College Preparation Realness Program 515,000 $0 0%
<br /> YMCA of the EB/Tri-Valley YMCA Family Wellness Svcs Iv Kinship-Foster Care Families _ 525,000 $0 0%
<br /> $120,641 $22000 $0 $0 $0 $22,000 $0 $0
<br /> IGty of Pleasanton (Alninistr-atoon of CDBG I HHSG Program i 554,0001 $54,000 100%( I I $54,0301 I I I
<br /> $54,000 $54,000 $0 $0 $54,000 $0 $0 $0
<br /> TOTAL: $1,126007 $679,251 60% 1.1/.,,,,_5 500 ;40.Sm t4,00 199251 75 0.000 15 40.000
<br /> Funding Available: $175,500 $40,500 $54,000 $199,251 $70,000 $140,000
<br /> 2. Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan
<br /> This could be a restatement of items or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to
<br /> another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homeless needs
<br /> assessment,the housing market analysis or the strategic plan.
<br /> The Action Plan includes a detailed table that describes this year's priorities and objectives along with
<br /> goals and objectives from the five-year Consolidated Plan for fiscal years 2015 through 2019.
<br /> Annual Action Plan 3
<br /> 2017
<br /> OMB Control No:2506-0117(exp.07/31/2015)
<br />