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Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction's activities to enhance coordination between <br /> public and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health <br /> and service agencies (91.215(1)). <br /> In October 2014,the cities of Pleasanton and Livermore formed a multi-jurisdictional subcommittee <br /> specifically to discuss policies and priorities for incorporation into the FY2015/19 Consolidated Plan. The <br /> subcommittee, comprised of commission and staff representatives from both cities, held two open <br /> public meetings which resulted in an updated set of common regional priorities for incorporation into <br /> the Con Plan. <br /> As stated previously, the City of Pleasanton collaborates with Livermore and Dublin to hold two annual <br /> grant kickoff meetings in early December. The City maintains an active database of potential interested <br /> parties and uses it to send out notification of grant funding opportunities at the beginning of every <br /> application cycle (early December). The list currently includes approximately 250 nonprofit agencies, <br /> individuals, and other interested arties. In addition, ads are placed in local newspapers(includin the <br /> P <br /> P (including <br /> Pleasanton Weekly which is distributed to every household in Pleasanton) and on the City's web <br /> site. Representatives from approximately 50 agencies(primarily non-profit) and other interested parties <br /> attended the annual meetings held in December 2016 and were able to use these opportunities to learn <br /> and provide feedback regarding policies and programs of relevance to the Consolidated Plan. <br /> The City has also worked in collaboration regionally on other housing and human services planning and <br /> assessment processes including : <br /> o The Tri-Valley Human Services Needs Assessment <br /> o The Housing Element update (certified in early 2015)to solicit public input regarding goals, <br /> policies, and programs for the City's future housing development. The Housing Element process <br /> involved two public community workshops, stakeholder consultations, and focus group <br /> meetings that took place throughout 2014. Stakeholder meetings involved participation from <br /> both non-profit and for-profit groups. <br /> Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of <br /> homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with <br /> children,veterans, and unaccompanied youth)and persons at risk of homelessness. <br /> Stakeholders in Alameda County have been assessing the needs of persons experiencing homelessness <br /> and working to improve our response across the county since the founding of Alameda County-wide <br /> Annual Action Plan 10 <br /> 2017 <br /> OMB Control No:2506-0117(exp.07/31/2015) <br />