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MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMISSION <br /> 4. Recommendation to Allocate Community Grant Funds in the Civic Arts Category for <br /> Fiscal Year 2017/18 <br /> Ms. Crose commented on the Community Grant Fund Process advising that a total of thirteen <br /> (13) applications were received for funding in the Civic Arts category. <br /> Mr. Patrick noted that the amount of funding allocated in the FY 2017/18 Operating Budget for <br /> the Civic Arts category of the Community Grant Program was $43,856. He advised that staff <br /> had provided for Commissioners within the Staff Report an attachment that indicated the <br /> amount of funds requested by each applicant, the votes given by Commissioners during the <br /> Zoomgrants process, and the Olympic average of those votes. <br /> Chairperson Jellison opened the meeting for applicant presentations at 7:15 p.m. <br /> Sue Compton, Axis Community Health — advised that funding was being requested in the <br /> amount of$7,500 to allow Axis Community Health for the purchase and installation of artwork <br /> at its new health center. She provided information about the number of Tri-Valley residents <br /> served by Axis and their objective of being to purchase and place work of local photographers <br /> in waiting and exam rooms at their new facility. <br /> Catherine Ndunqu-Case, Chena Nami Foundation, Inc. — shared information on what the past <br /> support from the City of Pleasanton has meant to her and her new community. She provided <br /> information about being able to share information about her African culture through the <br /> presentations provided. Ms. Ndungu-Case advised that funding is being request to bring the <br /> 6th Annual Extravaganza and Adventure to the Firehouse Arts Center in October 2017. <br /> Ms. Crose questioned if Ms. Ndungu-Case felt the amount suggested in the Olympic average <br /> would be sufficient to allow for the Extravaganza and Adventure to be presented. Ms. Ndungu- <br /> Case indicated that her organization would need to partner with others to meet their goals. <br /> Kelly O'Laque Dulka, YMCA—thanked the Commission for past support. Ms. Dulka advised <br /> that the YMCA is working on strengthening the foundation of the community through youth <br /> development programs. She provided information about the Y-Kids Art Fair for Pleasanton <br /> and the benefits of the program to low-income families and families with special-needs <br /> children. She advised that the YMCA would need to scale-down the program if the allocated <br /> amount of funding was as indicated in the Olympic average. <br /> Pushpa Krishman, Cantabella Children's Chorus - provided information about the Cantabella <br /> Children's Chorus and their mission to provide chorale opportunities to children in the Tri- <br /> Valley. Ms. Krishman thanked the Commission for their past support and provided information <br /> about the number of children in Pleasanton schools that were served through the program. <br /> She advised that funding is being requesting funding so they can provide a second Cantabella <br /> Choral Festival to be held in spring 2018. <br /> Civic Arts Commission Minutes <br /> March 6, 2017 <br /> Page 2 <br />