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Commissioner Wheeler was informed by Ms. Krishman that children are not charged for <br /> attending the festival, but the schools are asked to provide a $50 deposit which is returned <br /> after the event. <br /> Denise Bridges & Spencer Sussman, Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center— provided <br /> detailed information about the jazz program and the passion of the students who participate. <br /> The funds being requested would allow the Livermore Performing Arts Center (LVPAC) to <br /> produce a concert for the public that would feature the East Bay Jazz High School All-Stars <br /> Band. <br /> Ms. Bridges advised that receiving the amount indicated as the Olympic Average would likely <br /> be sufficient for them to provide the program. She discussed the association of LVPAC with <br /> Chez Nami and the affect they've both had in program development in the Tri-Valley area. <br /> Chairperson Jellison was informed by Ms. Bridges that LVPAC would not be making charge for <br /> attendees to the program. <br /> Commissioner Nene asked about the involvement of students from local schools in the <br /> program and whether the students were required to audition to participate. Mr. Sussman <br /> provided details. <br /> Jim DeMersman, Amador Livermore Valley Historical Society— advised that funds were being <br /> requested for a lecture series entitled "An Evening With". He advised that historical characters <br /> are portrayed in the program which is provided monthly by the Museum on Main and <br /> presented at the Firehouse Arts Center. Guests attending the series enjoy spending an <br /> evening with historic characters such as Mark Twain, Harriet Tubman, etc. The Commission <br /> was advised that if the Olympic Average was awarded the program would still be provided. <br /> Les Duman, Pleasanton Community Concert Band —advised that the band consists of people <br /> from the community, high school students to seniors, who enjoy playing, getting together, and <br /> performing for the community. Mr. Duman provided information about the many concerts <br /> provided by the band throughout the year and advised that the band would survive and <br /> continue to provide concerts is allocated the Olympic Average funds indicated. <br /> Chairperson Jellison closed the meeting for presentations at 7:50 p.m. <br /> Ms. Crose asked Commissioners to discuss and consider all of the applications. She also <br /> noted that it is mandatory for all applicants to have attended one of the required Workshop <br /> meeting and since this requirement was not fulfilled by Livermore Valley Opera and they do not <br /> have a representative at this meeting, the Commission should consider reallocation of the <br /> $3,180 indicated as the Olympic Average for their application. <br /> Chairperson Jellison noted that the total amount requested from all applications was $65,000 <br /> and the amount allocated in the FY 2017/18 Operating Budget for the Civic Arts category of <br /> the Community Grant Program is $43,856. <br /> Civic Arts Commission Minutes <br /> March 6, 2017 <br /> Page 3 <br />