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-On the Hexagon Parking Survey, at Table 1, the Saturday noon count measures <br /> the event parking pattern for the Farmers Market. <br /> -With special events, the need is for overflow parking, such as could be provided <br /> by completion of the railroad corridor parking between Spring Street and Ray <br /> Street. <br /> 4. Evening peaks, particularly on weekends, and with the Barone's crowd on <br /> summer Thursday evenings. <br /> -The Hexagon Parking Survey, at Table 2, with two Thursday night counts <br /> measures the Barone's peak. The two Friday night counts measure the weekend <br /> evening peak. <br /> The PDA Parking Committee is doing further analysis on the other peak times <br /> measured by the Hexagon Parking Survey. But the priority in light of the Pastime Plaza <br /> project would appear to be the lunch crunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on week days. <br /> The Critical Role of Private Parking Lots <br /> The Hexagon Parking Study included several private lots —the Round Table Pizza lot <br /> owned by Barry Swenson on the 500 block; and the Ace Hardware lot on the 600 block. <br /> It could have included the Tong-Vaughn lot on the 400 block which functions as if it <br /> were a public parking lot on a first come-first parked basis. Other private parking lots <br /> provide substantial parking. <br /> The private parking spaces downtown are typically not carefully policed, do not have <br /> time limits, and are often used by customers and employees of unrelated businesses. <br /> John Malone, former owner of the Domus, now Ace Hardware, lot, captured the attitude <br /> of many private parking lot owners when he said that "As long as my last customer <br /> driving into my parking lot has a space, I do not care if other people are using the lot." <br /> But, once parking saturation is reached, the owners of those private lots can and will <br /> start policing, putting time limits, designating spaces for specific users, installing <br /> customer only signs, and generally restricting the available parking supply. <br /> Friday, March 6, 2015 was one of several recent days when parking reached saturation. <br /> The public lots in the railroad corridor were full, and overflowed into private lots nearby. <br /> The owner of the Pereira lot (Old Train Station and new building on Angela) responded <br /> immediately, and by Saturday installed a barricade denying pedestrian access through <br /> his private parking lot, blocking pedestrian users from the Vaughn-Tong lot from the <br /> short pedestrian route to the public parking in the railroad corridor. Increased protection <br /> of private spaces like that is to be expected with parking saturation. <br /> 4110 3 <br />