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Overview <br /> In September 2013, Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc. provided the City of <br /> Pleasanton with an excellent survey of parking occupancy in downtown Pleasanton. <br /> The Hexagon Parking Survey measured weekday noon parking conditions, among <br /> other times. The weekday noon parking counts showed average parking occupancy in <br /> downtown at the peak hour to be less than 75% with over 250 vacant parking spaces on <br /> average. What the Hexagon Parking Survey did not illustrate or explain was that most <br /> of those vacant parking spaces are located at far peripheries of the downtown. <br /> The PDA Parking Committee Parking Committee adapted Figure 1 from the Hexagon <br /> Parking Survey to show the spatial pattern of downtown parking congestion. The map <br /> shows % occupancy by color, with darkest color indicating 90% plus occupancy of <br /> parking spaces. The Hexagon Parking Survey shows all public spaces within one block <br /> of the Pastime Plaza project are already at over 90% occupancy. <br /> The Hexagon Parking Survey was commissioned by the City to support the approval of <br /> an 8,659 sq. ft. building at 511 Main Street (Pastime Plaza project) with Starbucks as a <br /> major tenant. The City waived provision of the 23 parking spaces required by the <br /> Parking Ordinance based on provision of a 666 sq. ft. public plaza easement. The PDA <br /> supported the approval of the Pastime Plaza, but warned of the need to provide <br /> additional public parking downtown. <br /> There are other projects pending, approved, or ramping up operations since the time of <br /> the Hexagon Parking Survey, such as the McKay's Tap Room and Mangia Mi, which will <br /> add further to parking demand. <br /> Different Peaks <br /> There are really four types of peak parking demand in downtown Pleasanton: <br /> 1. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays for downtown lunch crunch. <br /> -On the Hexagon Study, at Table 1, the four weekday noon hour counts measure <br /> this peak. <br /> 2. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for all day parking by employees working downtown on <br /> weekdays. <br /> -On the Hexagon Parking Survey, the four weekday counts in Table 1 in effect <br /> measure the employee parking issue. The reader just has to understand that all <br /> day employees can park at the peripheral lots and avoid the three hour parking <br /> limits near Main Street. <br /> 3. Special events, like the Farmers Market and First Wednesdays, which bring <br /> much larger crowds and push parking out into neighborhoods. <br /> 2 <br /> 411 <br />