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Commissioner O'Connor seconded the motion. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Balch, Nagler, O'Connor, and Ritter <br /> NOES: Commissioner Brown <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> RECUSED: Commissioner Allen <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> Resolution No. PC-2017-08 recommending approval of Case P17-0055, Downtown <br /> Parking Strategy was entered and adopted as motioned. <br /> Commissioner Brown: I'm opposed to staff's recommendation just from the perspective <br /> of having to evaluate the one-way situation and rule it out as a non-recommendation. <br /> Chair Balch: Okay, so the motion carries with Commissioner Brown in opposition. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: So the Council will hear our comments, right? I mean, we <br /> were pretty vocal on wanting them to look at some of those other items, but they'll see <br /> our comments? <br /> Weinstein: Yes, we'll convey all of your comments to the Council and we'll also include <br /> the transcript of course when this goes to Council. We'll be talking about all of the <br /> comments and really re-thinking holistically how comprehensive the transportation <br /> network is Downtown, whether that's looking at one-way configurations or looking at <br /> making the pedestrian access over east/west streets a little better. The DSP is really a <br /> perfect forum for that because we're looking at land use and urban design and <br /> transportation altogether and obviously those are parts of Downtown that are really <br /> inter-linked and you can't do one without looking at the other. So we're hopeful and <br /> we're confident that these comments will get conveyed into the DSP process as well <br /> and evaluate it comprehensively at that point. <br /> Chair Balch: Hopefully our DSP representatives carry our comments forward. Okay, <br /> thank you very much and moving on, we'll start with Item 7; Matters Initiated by <br /> Commission Members. <br /> EXCPERT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 8, 2017 Page 10 of 10 <br />