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Hayward I think it's done that. I just don't know it's done that there or not—I'll just leave <br /> it as that. <br /> Commissioner Brown: One other thing just to mention to staff and I'm not proposing <br /> that you implement it, but I took a photo of one thing in Palo Alto which I think is <br /> interesting. There was a sign that said corral zone—"No re-parking in corral zone after <br /> two-hour limit has expired; two-hour begins at initial parking time." So what they've <br /> actually implemented is that.... I think it is to stop people that work in the downtown <br /> from setting their time on their phone and every two hours moving their car and <br /> occupying parking or potential customers, but I just thought it was an interesting sign. <br /> No action, but just be aware. <br /> And just to follow up on the one-way, I mean, the one-way can do two things. One, it <br /> can increase speed, yes, but you can adjust that with stop signs. The other thing that it <br /> does though is that it would also offer more through-put around and into the Downtown <br /> potentially. That's why I say, I don't know if it's a good idea or not. I just think it deserves <br /> a bit more study, and I don't want to make that determination. I'd rather the <br /> professionals and staff to make that determination. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: Definitely it could be looked at. One of the other side effects <br /> or bonuses of a one-way is when you have a loop you're going to have a second street <br /> that becomes a main street. You're going to have development opportunities on that <br /> second part of the loop, so everybody's not just one-way to see the downtown. <br /> Commissioner Brown: It's same as a bisecting street. You couldn't also make a one- <br /> way and cut the loop. <br /> Chair Balch: I was going to say, staff's pretty upset with us for going on with this one- <br /> way, but I think the comment is that.... <br /> Commissioner Brown: Well, just to respond to the public.... <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: I'm not sure if it would work for our town, but those are some <br /> of the pluses and minuses. <br /> Commissioner Ritter: And as we do the DSP, there's even that option of making Peter's <br /> be a cut-through all the way to Bernal if they rezone that whole area. That would open <br /> up another option that maybe it would be the one-way and it would just have the two- <br /> ways. <br /> Chair Balch: So I think as we probably remember, the matter before us is whether we <br /> are going to support this to go to Council or are we going to not. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: I'm happy to see that we brought the idea up of paved parking <br /> lots. <br /> Commissioner Ritter moved to recommend approval to City Council of P17-0055, <br /> Downtown Parking Strategy per staff's recommendation. <br /> EXCPERT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 8, 2017 Page 9 of 10 <br />