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2020 and 2035 conditions). The inclusion of both the residential use and the office use <br /> was not for the purposes of potentially constructing both an office development and a <br /> mixed use development, but, to maintain a conservative approach to the traffic <br /> modeling. Additionally, the 2020 model run assumed all other proposed projects in the <br /> City are constructed and the 2035 model assumes full buildout of the City according to <br /> the General Plan. <br /> The results of the analysis were presented to the Task Force and City Council. The <br /> traffic models showed that given the travel patterns and existing and projected future <br /> volumes on Owens Drive, a lane reduction could be completed on Owens Drive, <br /> although there would be a limited amount of traffic diversion in the future and there <br /> would be a slight increase in average delay at the Owens Drive and Willow Road <br /> intersection. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Owens Drive Travel Patterns <br /> A significant percentage of Owens Drive traffic is either going to or coming from the <br /> BART Station. As a result, much of the traffic traveling eastbound in the AM turns left at <br /> Willow Road to enter the station. Similarly, much of the traffic traveling westbound in <br /> the AM turns right at the East BART Driveway, resulting in a relatively low volume on <br /> the segment of roadway between Willow Road and the East BART Driveway. The PM <br /> peak hour also shows a similar pattern with relatively light traffic volume on Owens <br /> Drive between Willow Road and the East BART Driveway. <br /> This relatively low volume of traffic along this segment of roadway allows for the lane <br /> reduction. The table below shows the eastbound volume at the intersection of Owens <br /> Drive and Willow Road for the AM and PM peak hour as well as the daily volume <br /> (counts from October 2015 prior to lane reduction). <br /> For comparison purposes, another three (3) lane roadway, Santa Rita Road northbound <br /> at West Las Positas Boulevard is also shown. <br /> PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes: <br /> Owens Drive (and Santa Rita <br /> for comparison) <br /> Owens Drive at Willow Road Santa Rita at West Las Positas <br /> EB Left EB thru EB right NB Left NB thru NB right <br /> AM Peak 69 389 123 801 1,271 134 <br /> PM Peak 68 434 150 498 1,622 300 <br /> Daily 1,004 4,517 1,620 7,480 17,072 2,076 <br /> Traffic signals, at maximum efficiency can process 600-800 vehicles per lane per hour, <br /> although most signals perform optimally at the lower end of this range. With a maximum <br /> Page 5 of 9 <br />