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City of Pleasanton
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i. Shall store all recyclable material in containers or in the mobile unit vehicle, and shall not leave materials <br />outside of containers when an attendant is not present; <br />j. Shall be maintained free of litter and any other undesirable materials. Mobile facilities, at which truck or <br />containers are removed at the end of each collection day, shall be swept at the end of each collection day; <br />k. Shall include provisions for the donation of materials outside the hours of operation in order to prevent <br />materials from being abandoned on the site; said provisions shall include posting of appropriate signs, provision of an <br />unmanned drop bin, or other suitable measures as determined necessary by the zoning administrator; <br />I. Shall not exceed noise levels of 60 dBA as measured at the property line of residentially zoned or occupied <br />property (otherwise, shall not exceed 70 dBA); <br />Ill. Attended facilities located within 100 feet of a property zoned or occupied for residential use shall operate <br />only between the hours of nine a.m. and seven p.m.; <br />n. Containers for the 24 -hour donation of materials shall be at least 30 feet from any property zoned or occu- <br />pied for residential use unless there is a recognized service corridor and acoustical shielding between the containers and <br />the residential use; <br />o. Containers shall be clearly marked to identify the type of material which may be deposited; the facility <br />shall be clearly marked to identify the name and telephone number of the facility operator and the hours of operation, <br />and shall display a notice stating that no material shall be left outside the recycling enclosure or containers: <br />p. Signs may be provided as follows: <br />i. Recycling containers may have identification signs with a maximum of 20 percent of the surface area of the <br />container that is visible from outside the facility, or 16 square feet, whichever is smaller, in addition to informational <br />signs required in paragraph k above; in the case of a wheeled facility, the side will be measured from the pavement to <br />the top of the container, <br />ii. A recycling center (i.e., a mobile bin or cluster of igloos surrounded by a fence, wall or screen) may have a <br />maximum of two wall - mounted identification signs; said signs shall not exceed six square feet per sign and shall bear <br />no advertising message; at least one sign shall face a public street (if applicable), while one sign may be a single- faced, <br />low -rise freestanding sign which identifies the interior or service side of the facility, <br />iii. Signs must be consistent with the character of the location, <br />iv. Directional signs, bearing no advertising message, may be installed with the approval of the zoning admin- <br />istrator if necessary to facilitate traffic circulation, or if the facility is not visible from the public right -of -way, <br />V. The zoning administrator may authorize increases in the number and size of signs upon making findings <br />that it is compatible with adjacent businesses, and <br />vi. All signs for small collection facilities shall be subject to administrative design review and approval by the <br />zoning administrator pursuant to the requirements of Section 18.20.060; <br />q. The facility shall not impair the landscaping required by the code or by specific approved development <br />plans for any concurrent use on the site: <br />r. No additional parking spaces will be required for customers of a small collection facility located at the es- <br />tablished parking lot of a host use. One space will be provided for the attendant, if applicable; <br />S. Mobile recycling units shall have an area clearly marked to prohibit other vehicular parking during hours <br />when the mobile unit is scheduled to be present; <br />t. Occupation of parking spaces by the facility and by the attendant may not reduce available parking spaces <br />below the minimum number required for the primary host use unless all of the following conditions exist: <br />I. The facility is located in a convenience zone or a potential convenience zone as designated by the Califor- <br />nia Department of Conservation, <br />it. A parking study shows that the existing parking capacity is not already fully utilized during the time the <br />recycling facility will be on the site, and <br />iii. The permit will be reconsidered at the end of 18 months; <br />iv. A reduction in available parking spaces in an established parking facility may then be allowed as follows: <br />4 <br />
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