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bearing no advertising message, maybe installed with the approval of the zoning administrator, if necessary, in order to <br />facilitate traffic circulation, or if the facility is not visible from the public right -of -way; and <br />M. Power- driven processing, including aluminum foil and can compacting, baling, plastic shredding, or other <br />light processing activities necessary for efficient temporary storage and shipment of material, may be allowed by the <br />planning commission as part of the conditional use permit review and approval process if noise and other conditions are <br />met. <br />4. Recycling Processing Facilities. Large and small recycling processing facilities are permitted in the 1 -G <br />(general industrial) zoning district with approval of a conditional use permit. Processing facilities must meet the follow- <br />ing conditions: <br />a. Facility does not abut a property zoned or planned for residential use; <br />b. Processors will operate in a wholly enclosed building (except for incidental storage) or: <br />I. Within an area enclosed on all sides by an opaque fence or wall not less than eight feet in height and land- <br />scaped on all street frontages, and <br />2. Located at least 150 feet from property zoned or planned for residential use; <br />C. Power - driven processing shall be permitted, provided that all noise level requirements are met. Small recy- <br />cling processing facilities are limited to baling, briquetting, crushing, compacting, grinding, shredding and sorting of <br />source - separated recyclable materials and repairing of reusable materials; <br />d. A small recycling processing facility shall be no larger than 45,000 square feet and shall have no more than <br />an average of two outbound truck shipments of material per day and may not shred, compact or bale ferrous metals <br />other than food and beverage containers; <br />e. A processing facility may accept used motor oil for recycling from the generator in accordance with Sec- <br />tion 25250.11 of the California Health and Safety Code; <br />f. Setbacks and landscaping requirements shall be those of the I -G zoning district; <br />g. All exterior storage of material shall be in sturdy containers or enclosures which are covered, secured, and <br />maintained in good condition. Storage containers for flammable material shall be constructed of nonflammable materi- <br />als. Oil storage must be in containers approved by the city hazardous materials specialist. No storage, excluding truck <br />trailers and overseas containers, will be visible above the height of the fencing; <br />h. Site shall be maintained free of litter and any other undesirable materials, and will be cleaned of loose de- <br />bris on a daily basis and will be secured from unauthorized entry and removal of materials when attendants are not pre- <br />sent; <br />i. Space shall be provided on site for the anticipated peak load of customers to circulate, park and deposit <br />recyclable materials. If the facility is open to the public, space will be provided for a minimum of 10 customers or the <br />peak load, whichever is higher, except where the planning commission determines that allowing overflow traffic is <br />compatible with surrounding businesses and public safety; <br />J. One parking space will be provided for each commercial vehicle operated by the processing center. Parking <br />requirements will otherwise be as mandated by the zoning district in which the facility is located; <br />k. Noise levels shall not exceed 60 dBA as measured at the property line of residentially zoned or occupied <br />property; <br />I. If the facility is located within 500 feet of property zoned or planned for residential use, it shall not be in <br />operation between seven p.m. and seven a.m. The facility will be administered by on -site personnel during the hours <br />the facility is open; <br />in. Any containers provided for after -hours donation of recyclable materials will be at least 50 feet from any <br />property zoned or occupied for residential use; shall be of sturdy, rustproof construction; shall have sufficient capacity <br />to accommodate materials collected and shall be secure from unauthorized entry or removal of materials; <br />n. Donation areas shall be kept free of litter and any other undesirable material. The containers shall be clearly <br />marked to identify the type of material that may be deposited. The facility shall display a notice stating that no material <br />shall be left outside the recycling containers; <br />o. Sign requirements shall be those of the I -G zoning district. In addition, the facility shall be clearly marked <br />with the name and phone number of the facility operator and the hours of operation; and <br />p. No dust, fumes, smoke vibration or odor above ambient level may be detectable on neighboring properties. <br />(Ord. 2000 § I, 2009; Ord. 1354 § I, 1988) <br />INo changes proposed to Sections 9.22.010, 9.22.010, cad 9.22.050] <br />
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